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6 DE MARÇO DE 1981


to denounce the present Agreement; such notice shall be simultaneously cimmunicated to the International Civil Aviation Organization. In such case, the Agreement shall terminat twelve months after the date of receipt of the notice by the other Contracting Party, the notice shall be deemed to have been recei-before the expiry of this period. In the absence of acknowledgement of receipt by the other Contracting Party, the notice shall be deemed to have been received fourteen days after the receipt of the notice by the International Civil Aviation Organization.


(Registration with ICAO)

The present Agreement and its Annex and any amendments made there to in accordance with the article 18, shall be registered with the International Civil Aviation Organization.


(Entry Into force)

The provisions of the present Agreement shall be applied provisionally as from the date of its signature. The present Agreement shall come into force on the date when the Contracting Parties shall have notified each other, by diplomatic channels, of the completion of their respective constitutional formalities. In witness whereof the indersigned, being duly authorized thereto by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.

Done at Luanda, August 1977, in duplicate in the Portuguese language and in duplicate in the English language all the four textsbeing equally valid.

For the Government of Portugal: (Assinatura ilegível.)

For the Government of the People's Republic of Angola:

(Assinatura ilegível.)

ANNEX Section i

1 — The Government of Portugal designates for the operation of the agreed serv.ces referred to in section ii paragraph 1; Transportes Aéreos Portugueses, E. P. (TAP).

2— The Government of the People's Republic of Angola designates for the operation of the agreed services referred to in section ii, paragraph 2, Transportes Aéreos de Angola (TAAG) Linhas Aéreas de Angola.

Section n

1 — Routes to be operated in both directions by the airline designated by the Government of Portugal:

Lisbon — intermediate points — Luanda — points beyond.

2 — Routes to be operated in both directions by the airline designated by the Government of the People's Republic of Angola:

Luanda — Intermediate points — Lisbon — points beyond.

i — To operate the services referred in paragraph 1 of this section, the airline designater by the Government of Portugal shall have the right:

a) To put down in the territory of Angola inter-

national traff.c in passengers, cargo and mail taken on in the territory of Portugal;

b) To take on in the territory of Angola interna-

tional traffic in passengers, cargo and mail destined for the territory of Portugal;

c) To omit one or more .Intermediate points or

points beyond, provided the omissions are previously published in the time-table should the designated airline enjoy traffic rights pursuant to section III or to section IV.

4 — To operate the services defined in paragraph 2 of this section the airline designated by the Government of the People's Republic of Angola shall have the right:

c) To put down in the territory of Portugal international traffic in passengers, cargo and mail taken on in the territory of Angola;

b) To take on in the territory of Portugal inter-

national traffic in passengers, cargo and mail destined for the territory of Angola;

c) To omit one or more intermediate points or

points beyond, provided the omissions are previously published in the time-tables, should the designated airline enjoy traffic righs pursuant to section ill or to section IV.

Section ni

1 — The intermediate points shall be established by mutual agreement between the designated airlines of the Contracting Parties and shall be subject to the approval of the Aeronautical Authorities.

2 — The right of the airline designated by a Contracting Party to take on or put down in the territory of the other Contracting Party international traffic in passengers, cargo and mail destined for or taken on in the intermediate points of the routes referred to in section II shall be object of an agreement between the Aeronautical Authorities of both Contracting Parties.


1 — The points beyond shall be established by mutual agreement between the designated airlines of the Contracting Parties and shall be subject to the approval of the Aeronautical Authorities.