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2 — Payments of the amounts initially subscribed by the members of the Bank to the paid-up capita! stock shall be made in gold or convertible currency. The Board of Governors shall determine the mode of payment of other amounts subscribed by the members to the paid-up capital stock.

3 — The Board of Governors shall determine the dates for the payment of amounts subscribed by the members of the Bank to the paid-up capital stock to which the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article do not apply.


a) Payment of the amounts subscribed to the cal-

lable capital stock of the Bank shall be subject to call only as and when required by the Bank to meet its obligations incurred, pursuant to paragraph 1, b) and d), of article 14, on borrowing of funds for inclusion in its ordinary capital resources or guarantees chargeable to such resources.

b) In the event of such calls, payment may be

made at the option of the member concerned in gold, convertible currency or in the currency required to discharge the obligation of the Bank for the purpose of which the call is made;

c) Calls on unpaid subcriptions shall be uni-

form in percentage on all callable shares.

5 — The Bank shall determine the place for any payment under this article provided that, until the first meeting of its Board of Governors provided in article 66 of this Agreement, the payment of the first instalment referred to in paragraph 1 of this article shall be made to the Trustee referred to in article 66.

Article 8 Special Funds

1 — The Bank may establish or be entrusted with the administration of Special Funds which are designed to serve its purpose and come within its functions. It may receive, hold, use, commit or otherwise dispose of resources appertaining to such Special Funds.

2 — The resources of such Special Funds shall be kept separate and apart from the ordinary capital resources of the Bank in accordance with provisions of article 11 of this Agreement.

3 — The Bank shall adopt such special rules and regulations as may be required for the administration and use of each Special Fund, provided always that:

a) Such special rules and regulations shall be

subject to paragraph 4 of article 7, and articles 9 to 11 and those provisions of this Agreement which expressly apply to the ordinary capital resources or ordinary operations of the Bank;

b) Such special rules and regulations must be

consistent with provisions of this Agreement which expressly apply to special resources or special operations'of the Bank; and that

c) Where such special rules and regulations do

not apply Special Funds shall be governed by the provisions of this Agreement.

Article 9 Ordinary capital resources

For the purposes of this Agreement, the expression «ordinary capital resources* of the Bank shall include:

a) Authorized capital stock of the Bank sub-

scribed pursuant to the provisions of article 6 of this Agreement;

b) Funds raised by borrowing of the Bank, by

virtue of powers conferred in paragraph a) of article 23 of this Agreement, to which the commitment to calls provided for in paragraph 4 of article 7 of this Agreement applies;

c) Funds received in repayment of loans made

with resources referred to in paragraph a) and b) of this article; and

d) Income derived from loans made from the

aforementioned funds; income from guarantees to which the commitment to calls provided for in paragraph 4 of article 7 of this Agreement applies; as well as

e) Any other funds or income received by the

Bank which do not form part of its special resources.

Article 10 Special resources

1 — For the purposes of this Agreement, the expression «special resources» shall refer to the resources of Special Funds and shall include:

a) Resources initialy contributed to any special


b) Funds borrowed for the purposes of any

Special Fund, including the Special Fund provided for in paragraph 6 of article 24 of this Agreement;

c) Funds repaid in respect of loans or guarantees

financed from the resources of any Special Fund which, under the rules and regulations governing that special fund, are received by that Special Fund;

d) Income derived from operations of the Bank

by which any of the aforementioned resources or funds are used or committed if, under the rules and regulations governing the Special Fund concerned, that income accrues to the said Special Fund; and

e) Any other resources at the disposal of any

Special Fund.

2 — For the purposes of this Agreement, the expression «special resources appertaining to a special fund» shall include the resources, funds and income which are referred to in the preceding paragraph and are, as the case may be, contributed to, borrowed or received by, accruing to, or at the disposal of the special fund sion «special resources appertaining to a Special Fund» governing that Special Fund.

Article 11

Separation of resources

I — The ordinary capital resources of the Bank shall at all times and in all respects be he\d, used.