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Section 2

Responsabillties of Bank and Donors

The earnings, profits or benefits arising from financing, investment and other operations carried out with the resources of the fund shall in no case benefit the Bank. No financing, investment or operation of any kind carried out with the resources of the Fund shall involve the financial obligation or responsibility of the Bank to the donors and accordingly any loss or deficit that may arise as a result of an operation shall not entitle the donors to claim indemnification from the Bank, except in cases in which the Bank has departed from the written instructions of the Donors Committee or has failed to act with the same care as it takes in the management of its own resources.

Section 3

Adherence to this Agreement

Any prospective donor may adhere to this Agreement by signing it. Any member of the Bank not on schedule A of the Fund Agreement may adhere to this Agreement after adhering to the Fund Agreement under article 6, section 1, of that Agreement. The Bank shall adhere to this Agreement by signature by a duly authorized representative.

Section 4 Amendment

This Agreement may be amended only by agreement between the Bank and the Donors Committee, which shall reach decision by a vote of at least two-thirds of the donors representing three-quarters of the total voting power of the donors. The approval of all donors shall be required for an amendment to this section or which involves any financial or other obligations of donors.

Section 5

Settlement of disputes

Any disputes arising under this Agreement between the Bank and the Donors Committee, which are not resolved by consultation, shall be settled by arbitration pursuant to annex A of this Agreement. Any arbitral award shall be final and shall be implemented by a donor, donors or the Bank in accordance with its or their constitucional procedures or the Charter, respectively.

Section 6

Limitations on liability

In the operations of the Fund, the financial liability of the Bank shall be limited to the resources and reserves (if any) of the Fund, and the liability of donors as donors shall be limited to the unpaid portion of their respective contributions that has become due and payable under the Fund Agreement.

Section 7

Withdrawal of a donor from the Fund Agreement

On the date its notice of withdrawal has become effective under article 6, section 4, a), of the Fund Agreement, a

donor submitting such a notice shall be deemed to have withdrawn from this Agreement. Without prejudice to article 6, section 4, b), of the Fund Agreement, the Bank, subject to the approval of the Donors Committee, shall enter into an arrangement with such a donor for the settlement of their respective claims and obligations.

In witness whereof, the Bank and each of the prospective donors, each acting through its authorized representative, have signed this Agreement.

Done at Washington, district of Columbia, on 11 February 1992, in a single original, whose English, French, Portuguese and Spanish texts are equally authentic, which shall be deposited in the archives of the Bank which shall transmit a duly certified copy to each of the prospective donors listed in schedule A of the Fund Agreement.

Por Argentina (ll/Feb./92):

Carlos Ortiz de Rozas, embajador^de Argentina ante el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América.

Pelo Brasil (ll/Fev./92):

Rubens Ricúpero, embaixador do Brasil junto ao Governo dos Estados Unidos da América.

For Canada (11/Feb792):

Derek H. Burney, ambassador of Canada to the United States of America..

Por Chile (ll/Feb./92):

Patricio Silva Echenique, embajador de Chile ante el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América

Por Colombia (1 l/Feb./92):

Jaime Garcia Parra, embajador de Colombia ante el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América.

Por Costa Rica (1 l/Feb./92):

Gonzalo Facio S., embajador de Costa Rica ante el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América.

Pour la France (1 l/Fév./92):

Philippe Adhémar, ministre plénipotentiaire et conseiller financier pour l'Amérique du Nord.

For Germany (ll/Feb./92):

Fritjof von Nordenskjold, chargé d'affaires.

Por Guatemala (Il/Feb792):

Juan José Caso Fanjul, embajador de Guatemala ante el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América

Por Honduras (11 /Feb./92):

Jorge Hernandez A., embajador de Honduras ante el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América

For Italy (ll/Feb./92):

Boris Biancheri, ambassador of Italy to the United States of America.