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2 — Os Depositários notificarão igualmente os Estados mencionados no n.° 1 da data da entrada em vigor do presente Protocolo, em conformidade com o artigo vi.

Em fé do que os plenipotenciários abaixo assinados, devidamente autorizados para o efeito pelos seus Governos, assinaram o presente Protocolo.

Feito em Montreal, aos vinte e quatro dias do mês de Fevereiro de mil novecentos e oitenta e oito, em quatro originais, cada um em quatro textos autênticos redigidos nas línguas inglesa, francesa, russa e espanhola.



Nos termos do n.° 1, alínea d), do artigo 200.° da Constituição, o Governo apresenta à Assembleia da República a seguinte proposta de resolução:

Artigo único

É aprovada, para ratificação, a Convenção sobre a Segurança do Pessoal das Nações Unidas e Pessoal Associado, aberta à assinatura na sede das Nações Unidas, em Nova Iorque, em 15 de Dezembro de 1994, cuja versão autêntica em língua inglesa e tradução em língua portuguesa seguem em anexo.

Visto e aprovado em Conselho de Ministros de 14 de Agosto de 1997. — O Primeiro-Ministro, em exercício, António Manuel de Carvalho Ferreira Vitorino. — O Ministro da Presidência, António Manuel de Carvalho Ferreira Vitorino. —> Pelo Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros, José Alberto Rebelo dos Reis Lamego, Secretário de Estado dos Negócios Estrangeiros e da Cooperação.


Date: 9 December 1994. Adopted without a vote. Meeting: 84. Report: A/49/742.

The General Assembly:

Considering that the codification and progressive development of international law contributes to the implementation of the purposes and principles set forth in articles 1 and 2 of the Charter of the United Nations;

Gravely concerned at the increasing number of attacks on United Nations and associated personnel that have caused death or serious injury;

Bearing in mind that United Nations operations may be conducted in situations that entail risk to the safety of United Nations and associated personnel;

Recognizing the need to strengthen and to keep under review arrangements for the protection of United Nations and associated personnel;

Recalling its Resolution 48/37 of 9 December 1993 by which it established the Ad Hoc Committee on the Elaboration of an International Convention Dealing with the Safety and Security of Uni-

ted Nations and Associated Personnel, with particular reference to responsibility for attacks on such personnel; Taking into account the report of the Ad Hoc Committee (!) in particular the revised negotiating text resulting from the work of the Ad Hoc Committee;

Recalling its decision, in accordance with the recommendation of the Ad Hoc Committee, to reestablish a working group within the framework of the Sixth Committee at the current session of the General Assembly to continue consideration of the revised negotiating text and of proposals relating thereto;

Having considered the text of the draft convention prepared by the working group (2) and submitted to the Sixth Committee for consideration with a view to its adoption:

1 — Adopts and opens for signature and ratification, acceptance or approval, or for accession, the Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel, the text of which is annexed to the present resolution.

2 — Urges States to take all appropriate measures to ensure the safety and security of United Nations and associated personnel within their territory.

3 — Recommends that the safety and security of United Nations and associated personnel be kept under continuing review by all relevant bodies of the Organization.

4 — Underlines the importance it attaches to the speedy conclusion of a comprehensive review of arrangements for compensation for death, disability, injury or illness attributable to peace-keeping service, with a view to developing equitable and appropriate arrangements and to ensuring expeditious reimbursement.


Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel

The States Parties to this Convention:

Deeply concerned over the growing number of deaths and injuries resulting from deliberate attacks against United Nations and associated personnel;

Bearing in mind that attacks against, or other mistreatment of, personnel who act on behalf of the United Nations are unjustifiable and unacceptable, by whomsoever committed;

Recognizing that United Nations operations are conducted in the common interest of the international community and in accordance with the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations;

Acknowledging the important contribution that United Nations and associated personnel make in respect of United Nations efforts in the fields or preventive diplomacy, peacemaking, peacekeeping, peace-building and humanitarian and other operations;

Conscious of the existing arrangements for ensuring the safety of United Nations and associated personnel, including the steps taken by the principal organs of the United Nations, in this regard;.

Recognizing none the less that existing measures of protection for United Nations and associated personnel are inadequate;