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Section 18

a) Officials of the Agency shall:

i) Be immune from legal process in respect of words spoken or written and all acts performed by them in their official capacity;

ii) Enjoy the same exemptions from taxation in respect of the salaries and emoluments paid to them by the Agency and on the same conditions as are enjoyed by officials of the United Nations;

Hi) Be immune, together with their spouses and relatives dependent on them, from immigration restrictions and alien registration;

iv) Be accorded the same privileges in respect of exchange facilities as are accorded to officials of comparable rank of diplomatic missions;

v) Be given, together with their spouses and relatives dependent on them, the same repatriation facilities in time of international crises as officials of comparable rank of diplomatic missions;

vi) Have the right to import free of duty their furniture and effects at the time of first taking up their post in the country in question.

b) Officials of the Agency shall, while exercising the functions of an inspector under article xn of the Statute of the Agency or those of a project examiner under article xi thereof, and while travelling in their official capacity en route to and from the performance of these functions, enjoy all the additional privileges and immunities set forth in article vn of this Agreement so far as is necessary for the effective exercise of such functions.

Section 19

. The officials of the Agency shall be exempt from national service obligations, provided that, in relation to the States of which they are nationals, such exemption shall be confined to officials of the Agency whose names have, by reason of their duties, been placed upon a list compiled by the Director General of the Agency and approved by the State concerned.

Should other officials of the Agency be called up for national service, the State concerned shall, at the request of the Agency, grant such temporary deferments in the call-up of such officials as may be necessary to avoid interruption in the continuation of essential work.

Section 20

In addition to the privileges and immunities specified in sections 18 and 19 above, the Director General of the Agency, including any official acting on his behalf during his absence from duty, shall be accorded on behalf of himself, his spouse and minor children, the privileges and immunities, exemptions and facilities accorded to diplomatic envoys on behalf of themselves, their spouses and minor children, in accordance with international law. The same privileges and immunities, exemptions and facilities shall also be accorded to a Deputy Director General or official of equivalent rank of the Agency.

Section 21

Privileges and immunities are granted to officials in the interest of the Agency only and not for the personal benefit of the individuals themselves. The Agency shall

have the right and the duty to waive the immunity of

any official in any case where, in its opinion, the immunity would impede the course of justice and can be waived

without prejudice to the interests of the Agency. Section 22

The Agency shall co-operate at all times with the appropriate authorities of Member States to facilitate the proper administration of justice, secure the observance of police regulations and prevent the occurrence of any abuses in connexion with the privileges, immunities and facilities mentioned in this article.

ARTICLE VII Experts on missions for the Agency

Section 23

Experts (other than officials coming within the scope of article vi) serving on committees of the Agency or performing missions for the Agency, including missions as inspectors under article xn of the Statute of the Agency and as project examiners under article xi thereof, shall be accorded the following privileges and immunities so far as is necessary for the effective exercise of their functions, including the time spent on journeys in connexion with service on such committees or missions:

a) Immunity from personal arrest or detention and from seizure of their personal baggage;

b) In respect of words spoken or written or acts done by them in the performance of their official functions, immunity from legal process of every kind, such immunity to continue notwithstanding that the persons concerned are no longer serving on committees of, or employed on missions for, the Agency;

c) Inviolability for all papers and documents;

d) For the purposes of their communications with the Agency, the right to use codes and to receive papers or correspondence by courier or in sealed bags;

e) The same facilities in respect of currency and exchange restrictions as are accorded to representatives of foreign Governments on temporary official missions;

f) The same immunities and facilities in respect of their personal baggage as are accorded to members of comparable rank of diplomatic missions.

Section 24

Nothing in subparagraphs c) and d) of section 23 shall be construed to preclude the adoption of appropriate security precautions to be determined by agreement between a State party to this Agreement and the Agency.

Section 25

Privileges and immunities are granted to the experts of the Agency in the interests of the Agency and not for the personal benefit of the individuals themselves. The Agency shall have the right and the duty to waive the immunity of any expert in any case where, in its