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0011 | II Série A - Número 080S2 | 26 de Janeiro de 2006


located in the building;
c) Use of other common services of the building including measures against trespassing and fire.

3 - The rent shall be Euros 90,000/year, being Euros 40,000/year paid jointly by the International Copper Study Group, the International Lead and Zinc Study Group and the International Nickel Study Group and Euros 50,000/year paid by the Portuguese designated government authority, which shall also be responsible for paying the annual adjustment fixed for commercial rents.
4 - If one Group decides to withdraw its headquarters from Portugal, the other two have the right to use two thirds of the space specified in Paragraph 1, the right to use four parking spaces and the right to use the conference rooms for 20 working days, paying two thirds of the rent mentioned in the previous paragraph.
5 - If one Group decides to withdraw its headquarters from Portugal as mentioned in the previous paragraph, the other two Groups may decide to maintain the full use of the conditions described in paragraphs 1 and 2, in case which the share of the rent paid by the Portuguese designated government authority as referred to in paragraph 3 will be reduced in a third of its total annual value.

Article 6
Flag and emblem

Each Group is entitled to display its flag and emblem at its premises and on vehicles and other means of transportation used for official purposes.

Immunities and privileges of each Group

Article 7
Immunity from jurisdiction and from execution

1 - Within the scope of its official activities, each Group and its property shall benefit from jurisdictional immunity and immunity from execution, except:

a) When any Group expressly waives those immunities;
b) When a third party initiates a proceeding which relates to pecuniary compensation for death or injury suffered in an accident caused by a vehicle belonging to any Group or being used by any Group or in case such vehicle is involved in a traffic violation;
c) In respect of an enforcement of an arbitral decision rendered in accordance with Articles 22 and 23 of the present Agreement;
d) In a proceeding which relates to a contract of employment between one or more of the Groups and an individual for work performed or to be performed, in whole or in part, in the territory of the Portuguese Republic and that individual is a Portuguese national or permanent resident in that territory.

2 - In the event of a request to waive their immunity in a judicial proceeding instituted by a third party, each Group so requested shall make a declaration claiming immunity within fifteen days of its receipt, the absence of which being regarded as a waiver of immunity.
3 - The decision of one Group to waive its immunity shall not affect another Groups' immunities.
4 - Without prejudice to paragraph 2 of Article 4, vehicles belonging to any of the Groups may be temporarily subject to judicial or administrative measures of search or seizure if needed for the investigation of the accidents referred to above in sub-paragraph b) of this Article.

Article 8
Facilities in respect of communications

Each Group shall enjoy in the territory of the Portuguese Republic for the purposes of its official communications and correspondence treatment not less favourable than that accorded by the Portuguese Republic to diplomatic missions in the matter of priorities, rates and taxes applicable to mail and the various forms of communication and correspondence.

Article 9
Circulation of publications

The circulation of publications and other information issued by any Group or sent to any Group, relating to their official activities shall not be restricted in any way.