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29 | II Série A - Número: 099S1 | 23 de Maio de 2008

AGREEMENT ON EXTRADITION BETWEEN THE PORTUGUESE REPUBLIC AND THE REPUBLIC OF INDIA The Portuguese Republic and the Republic of India hereinafter referred to as Contracting States; Desiring to improve the co-operation of the two countries in the prevention and suppression of crime, by making provisions for the reciprocal extradition of offenders; Have agreed as follows: Article 1 Obligation to Extradite The Contracting States agree to extradite to each other, subject to their laws and to the conditions specified in this Agreement, any accused person wanted for prosecution or any convicted person wanted for the imposition or enforcement of a sentence for an extraditable offence, found in the territory of the other State.
Article 2 Extraditable Offences 1. Extradition shall be granted in respect of offences that are punishable under the laws of both Contracting States by imprisonment or other measure of deprivation of liberty for a maximum period of at least one year. Where the request for extradition relates to a person convicted of such an offence who is wanted for the enforcement of a sentence of imprisonment or other measure of deprivation of liberty, extradition shall be granted only if a period of at least six months imprisonment or other measure of deprivation of liberty remains to be served. 2. For the purposes of this Article, in determining whether an offence is an offence against the law of both Contracting States: a) It shall not matter whether the laws of the Contracting States place the acts or omissions constituting the offence within the same category of offence or denominate the offence by the same terminology; b) The totality of the acts or omissions alleged against the person whose extradition is requested shall be taken into account and it shall not matter