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30 | II Série A - Número: 099S1 | 23 de Maio de 2008

whether, under the laws of the Contracting States, the constituent elements of the offence differ.
3. Where the offence for which extradition is requested has been committed outside the territory of the requesting State, extradition shall be granted subject to the provisions of this Agreement: a) If the person whose extradition is requested is a national of the requesting State; or b) If the law of the requested State provides for the punishment of an offence committed outside its territory in similar circumstances.
4. Extradition shall be granted in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement for offences of a fiscal character including duties, taxation, customs and exchange.
5. If the request for extradition includes several separate offences, which are punishable under the laws of both Contracting States, but some of which do not fulfil the other conditions set out in paragraph 1 of this Article, the requested State may grant extradition for the latter offences provided that the person is to be extradited for at least one extraditable offence.
Article 3 Nationals 1. The requested State shall have the right to refuse to extradite its nationals.
2. Where the requested State refuses to extradite a person on the ground that the person is a national of the requested State, it shall, if the requesting State so requests and the laws of the requested State allow, submit the case to the competent authorities in order that proceedings for the prosecution of the person in respect of all or any of the offences for which extradition has been requested, may be taken.
Article 4 Grounds for Refusal to Extradite 1. Extradition shall not be granted if: