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92 | II Série A - Número: 023S1 | 6 de Novembro de 2008

5. Telephones and faxes 5.1 Quantity of equipment required Please refer to the document entitled “Table of Requirements” for the exact number of fixed, mobile phones and faxes required.
5.2 Specifications Fixed telephone sets (some with local access and others with international access) shall be provided.
All ITU staff shall be able to call the ITU headquarters in Geneva by using an abbreviated dialling code (e.g., simply dialling a short prefix and the extension): a) definition of local access: within the Congress Center, city and to reach the mobile phones provided by the Portuguese Party. Plus access to ITU headquarters fixed and mobile phones of ITU staff members who will remain in Geneva: i) fixed phones and faxes: +41 22 730 5xxx and +41 22 730 6xxx (through central PABX); ii) ITU mobile phones: +41 79 249 48xx, +41 79 599 15xx and +41 79 217 35xx; iii) main ITU fax number: +41 22 733 7256; b) definition of international access: local access plus unrestricted access to all countries.
The telephone system shall be VoIP or TDM based; the following functions shall be provided: a) voicemail for all extensions; b) transfer of call between extensions; c) electronic phone book (optional); d) last callers and dialled numbers (optional).
Mobile phones with local line and international line shall be provided to key ITU officials identified by ITU. These telephones are to be assigned on-site by ITU at its discretion. In addition, international access SIM cards and pre-paid phone cards are to be made available for sale in the Congress Center.
Telephone lines for the answering machines in the interpreters’ office.
Fax machines all with international access and compatible with those at ITU headquarters. At least two (2) of these fax machines shall be equipped with paper feeder for sending multiple pages documents, with telephone list option for sending to multiple locations in one manual operation.
In the Press working room used by the media, the fax machines and telephones shall be for use with pre-paid cards (journalists to cover the communication costs), as well as two (2) ISDN (BRI) lines with network termination for use by journalist.
The list of attributed telephone and fax numbers should be made available to ITU at least four (4) weeks prior to the opening of WTPF-09.
6. Webcast Webcast service shall be provided for the main conference rooms as described in Annex 2. The Host Country webcast team shall coordinate with the ITU webcast manager for the webcast schedule and placing the webcast streams on the ITU website. The following items can be foreseen for each room from which there will be webcasting: