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90 | II Série A - Número: 023S1 | 6 de Novembro de 2008

The Parties’ IT support teams will work together to finalize the network design.
1.3 Events participants “Orange-LAN”, including Wireless LAN A second network for the Events participants (hereinafter referred to as the “Orange-LAN”), with same or different network equipment and cabling than 1.2 mentioned above, for the cybercafé and Events participants laptops (wired and wireless) connection to the Internet and webcast service.
The Orange-LAN shall be connected to the Internet through a firewall to the local ISP (see definition below).
The definition of the VLANs in the Orange-LAN shall be communicated to the Portuguese Party six (6) months before the Events.
There shall be sufficient wireless LAN access point to support the number of participants attending the Events throughout the premises (e.g. meeting rooms, offices, cybercafé, press centre): a) the wireless LAN capacity for each meeting room and work area must be equal to the capacity of the room (i.e., assume that every Events participant may wish to connect a laptop at the same time); in the even this is not technically feasible, this should be compensated by providing wired Ethernet connections for the laptops; b) the wireless LAN shall be 802.11a, b, g and Wi-Fi compliant (plus any new generally adopted standards at the time of the Events); c) the access points shall support common encryption protocols (e.g. WEP, WPA, WPA2); d) the target average ping response time from the PCs to the gateway shall not exceed twenty (20) ms during normal load conditions; e) the target average throughput for each associated laptop shall be three (3) Mbps or above; f) the wireless access points shall be centrally controlled to allow rapid, if possible auto, reconfiguration of the access points to adapt to changing load conditions in the conference rooms and blocking of individual laptops in case of virus problems; g) the broadcast SSID shall be set to that requested by ITU.
The wireless LAN infrastructure shall be load tested to ensure it can support the full capacity of the conference rooms.
In all conference rooms, one (1) in every two (2) seats at table shall be equipped with an Orange LAN Fast Ethernet LAN cable with male interface, allowing Events participants and ITU officials to connect their laptops to the Internet by wire if desired.
The Orange-LAN shall be fully operational on 17 April 2009 at the latest.
The Parties’ IT support teams will work together to finalize the network design.
2. Dedicated leased lines to ITU Two (2) 2 mbps spatially diverse (distinct) terrestrial international circuits to link ITU headquarters in Geneva with the Purple-LAN, connected to two (2) different routers in automatic failover and load-sharing mode. The round trip time (rtt) of the links between Geneva and the Events premises shall not exceed 150 ms.
The routers used shall have at least two (2) Fast Ethernet (10/100 mbps) and one (1) WAN (T1/E1/xDSL) interfaces, with adequate DRAM and CPU power to support filtered traffic between