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121 | II Série A - Número: 103 | 21 de Junho de 2010

3. The national system for occupational safety and health shall include, where appropriate: (a) a national tripartite advisory body, or bodies, addressing occupational safety and health issues; (b) information and advisory services on occupational safety and health; (c) the provision of occupational safety and health training; (d) occupational health services in accordance with national law and practice; (e) research on occupational safety and health; (f) a mechanism for the collection and analysis of data on occupational injuries and diseases, taking into account relevant ILO instruments; (g) provisions for collaboration with relevant insurance or social security schemes covering occupational injuries and diseases; and (h) support mechanisms for a progressive improvement of occupational safety and health conditions in micro-enterprises, in small and medium-sized enterprises and in the informal economy.


Article 5

1. Each Member shall formulate, implement, monitor, evaluate and periodically review a national programme on occupational safety and health in consultation with the most representative organizations of employers and workers.
2. The national programme shall: (a) promote the development of a national preventative safety and health culture; (b) contribute to the protection of workers by eliminating or minimizing, so far as is reasonably practicable, work-related hazards and risks, in accordance with national law and practice, in order to prevent occupational injuries, diseases and deaths and promote safety and health in the workplace; (c) be formulated and reviewed on the basis of analysis of the national situation regarding occupational safety and health, including analysis of the national system for occupational safety and health; (d) include objectives, targets and indicators of progress; and (e) be supported, where possible, by other complementary national programmes and plans which will assist in achieving progressively a safe and healthy working environment.

3. The national programme shall be widely publicized and, to the extent possible, endorsed and launched by the highest national authorities.


Article 6

This Convention does not revise any international labour Conventions or Recommendations.

Article 7

The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.