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the elaboration and implementation of policies and to set guidelines and self-regulatory standards

to prevent violence against women and to enhance respect for their dignity.

2 Parties shall develop and promote, in co-operation with private sector actors, skills among children,

parents and educators on how to deal with the information and communications environment that

provides access to degrading content of a sexual or violent nature which might be harmful.

Chapter IV – Protection and support

Article 18 – General obligations

1 Parties shall take the necessary legislative or other measures to protect all victims from any further

acts of violence.

2 Parties shall take the necessary legislative or other measures, in accordance with internal law, to

ensure that there are appropriate mechanisms to provide for effective co-operation between all

relevant state agencies, including the judiciary, public prosecutors, law enforcement agencies, local

and regional authorities as well as non-governmental organisations and other relevant

organisations and entities, in protecting and supporting victims and witnesses of all forms of

violence covered by the scope of this Convention, including by referring to general and specialist

support services as detailed in Articles 20 and 22 of this Convention.

3 Parties shall ensure that measures taken pursuant to this chapter shall:

– be based on a gendered understanding of violence against women and domestic violence and

shall focus on the human rights and safety of the victim;

– be based on an integrated approach which takes into account the relationship between victims,

perpetrators, children and their wider social environment;

– aim at avoiding secondary victimisation;

– aim at the empowerment and economic independence of women victims of violence;

– allow, where appropriate, for a range of protection and support services to be located on the

same premises;

– address the specific needs of vulnerable persons, including child victims, and be made

available to them.

4 The provision of services shall not depend on the victim’s willingness to press charges or testify

against any perpetrator.

5 Parties shall take the appropriate measures to provide consular and other protection and support to

their nationals and other victims entitled to such protection in accordance with their obligations

under international law.

Article 19 – Information

Parties shall take the necessary legislative or other measures to ensure that victims receive adequate

and timely information on available support services and legal measures in a language they


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