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52 | II Série A - Número: 059S1 | 31 de Janeiro de 2014

(a) areas where activities pose risks of mutual interference or cumulative environmental impacts; and (b) sites or monuments of recognised historic value.

3. Entry into an Antarctic Specially Managed Area shall not require a permit.
4. Notwithstanding paragraph 3 above, an Antarctic Specially Managed Area may contain one or more Antarctic Specially Protected Areas, entry into which shall be prohibited except in accordance with a permit issued under Article 7.


1. Any Party, the Committee, the Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research or the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources may propose an area for designation as an Antarctic Specially Protected Area or an Antarctic Specially Managed Area by submitting a proposed Management Plan to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting.
2. The area proposed for designation shall be of sufficient size to protect the values for which the special protection or management is required.
3. Proposed Management Plans shall include, as appropriate: (a) a description of the value or values for which special protection or management is required; (b) a statement of the aims and objectives of the Management Plan for the protection or management of those values; (c) management activities which are to be undertaken to protect the values for which special protection or management is required; (d) a period of designation, if any; (e) a description of the area, including: (i) the geographical co-ordinates, boundary markers and natural features that delineate the area; (ii) access to the area by land, sea or air including marine approaches and anchorages, pedestrian and vehicular routes within the area, and aircraft routes and landing areas; (iii) the location of structures, including scientific stations, research or refuge facilities, both within the area and near to it; and (iv) the location in or near the area of other Antarctic Specially Protected Areas or Antarctic Specially Managed Areas designated under this Annex, or other protected areas designated in accordance with measures adopted under other components of the Antarctic Treaty system; (f) the identification of zones within the area, in which activities are to be prohibited, restricted or managed for the purpose of achieving the aims and objectives referred to in subparagraph (b) above; (g) maps and photographs that show clearly the boundary of the area in relation to surrounding features and key features within the area; (h) supporting documentation; (i) in respect of an area proposed for designation as an Antarctic Specially Protected Area, a clear description of the conditions under which permits may be granted by the appropriate authority regarding: (i) access to and movement within or over the area; (ii) activities which are or may be conducted within the area, including restrictions on time and place; (iii) the installation, modification, or removal of structures; (iv) the location of field camps; (v) restrictions on materials and organisms which may be brought into the area; (vi) the taking of or harmful interference with native flora and fauna; (vii) the collection or removal of anything not brought into the area by the permit-holder;