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53 | II Série A - Número: 059S1 | 31 de Janeiro de 2014

(viii) the disposal of waste; (ix) measures that may be necessary to ensure that the aims and objectives of the Management Plan can continue to be met; and (x) requirements for reports to be made to the appropriate authority regarding visits to the area; (j) in respect of an area proposed for designation as an Antarctic Specially Managed Area, a code of conduct regarding: (i) access to and movement within or over the area; (ii) activities which are or may be conducted within the area, including restrictions on time and place; (iii) the installation, modification, or removal of structures; (iv) the location of field camps; (v) the taking of or harmful interference with native flora and fauna; (vi) the collection or removal of anything not brought into the area by the visitor; (vii) the disposal of waste; and (viii) any requirements for reports to be made to the appropriate authority regarding visits to the area; and (k) provisions relating to the circumstances in which Parties should seek to exchange information in advance of activities which they propose to conduct.


1. Proposed Management Plans shall be forwarded to the Committee, the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research and, as appropriate, to the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources. In formulating its advice to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, the Committee shall take into account any comments provided by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research and, as appropriate, by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources. Thereafter Management Plans may be approved by the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Parties by a measure adopted at an Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting in accordance with Article IX(1) of the Antarctic Treaty. Unless the measure specifies otherwise, the Plan shall be deemed to have been approved 90 days after the close of the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting at which it was adopted, unless one or more of the Consultative Parties notifies the Depositary, within that time period, that it wishes an extension of that period or is unable to approve the measure.
2. Having regard to the provisions of Articles 4 and 5 of the Protocol, no marine area shall be designated as an Antarctic Specially Protected Area or an Antarctic Specially Managed Area without the prior approval of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources.
3. Designation of an Antarctic Specially Protected Area or an Antarctic Specially Managed Area shall be for an indefinite period unless the Management Plan provides otherwise. A review of a Management Plan shall be initiated at least every five years. The Plan shall be updated as necessary.
4. Management Plans may be amended or revoked in accordance with paragraph 1 above.
5. Upon approval Management Plans shall be circulated promptly by the Depositary to all Parties. The Depositary shall maintain a record of all currently approved Management Plans.


1. Each Party shall appoint an appropriate authority to issue permits to enter and engage in activities within an Antarctic Specially Protected Area in accordance with the requirements of the Management Plan relating to that Area. The permit shall be accompanied by the relevant sections of the Management Plan and shall specify