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22 | II Série A - Número: 094S1 | 14 de Março de 2015

iii) Hydrographic, oceanographic and scientific research vessels; iv) Sport and pleasure vessels; v) Vessels carrying hazardous waste.
b) The term "crew member" means the master and any other person, actually employed on board a vessel for duties on board during a voyage in the working or service of a vessel and included in the crew list; c) The term “Port of a Party” means any seaport in the territory of a Party that is declared open to international shipping for loading, unloading or transhipment of goods and/or passengers by that party, d) The term "competent authorities" means: i) In respect of the Republic of Turkey-The Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications; ii) In respect of the Portuguese Republic - The Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Agriculture and Sea.
iii) The Parties shall immediately inform each other in written form through diplomatic channels of any change of the competent authorities .This change does not constitute an amendment under Article 14 of this Agreement.

Article 3 Treatment in Ports 1. Each Party shall accord to the vessels of the other Party on the condition of reciprocity the same treatment as it accords to its own vessels engaged in international maritime transport in respect of free access to ports, allocation of berths and use of port facilities for loading and unloading cargoes, transshipment, embarking and disembarking of passengers, use of services intended for navigation.
2. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall not: a) Apply to ports not open to the entry of foreign vessels;