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7 DE JUNHO DE 1997



10 —EUREKA's 3rd Medium Term Plan highlighted the need for the initiative to adapt to take account of the opportunities and challenges facing European companies in an increasingly global environment. The Conference took this issue forward with a debate on collaborative research and development in the context of globalisation in order to improve competitivity and employment in Europe, and more specifically considered what EUREKA's response should be.

11 — The Conference noted with satisfaction that the relevant modifications to the «Madrid Rules», which govern the relation of EUREKA with non-member countries, to allow for the easier participation of industry from these countries, have been proposed by the High Level Group to the next Ministerial Conference for discussion.

12 — EUREKA must adjust to the new reality of globalisation. This accords with the «bottom up» approach, since it is what the best European enterprises demand; and it is in the interests of European enterprises to collaborate with the best, wherever it may be found. The Conference therefore called for EUREKA, in accordance with the Davignon Report, to look for ways to exiend its services to cover the wider world, on the basis of technical excellence and scope for access to new markets. However, ■> EUREKA's mission must remain focused on the industrial competitiveness of its Member States. Therefore:

Companies must be encouraged to look for research partners within Europe first, before looking outside; and

To bear the EUREKA stamp, a project must retain a proportion of European to non-European involvement not less than 2:1.

Synergy between EUREKA and the European Union Framework Programme

13 —During the UK Chairmanship EUREKA has submitted a paper to the European Comission setting out a range of practical steps to strengthen the synergy between EUREKA and the European Union Framework Programmes, a particularly timely action in view of the development of the Fifth Framework Programme.

14 — The Conference reinforced strongly the logic of greater synergy between the two programmes, including the possibility of co-financing, and expressed its desire to see the strategy laid down in the third Medium Term Plan realised in the Fifth Framework Programme. However, this process should respect the different characteristics of the two initiatives.

15 — One area where synergy was recognised as being of particular importance was in the cultivation of strategic projects. The Conference welcomed the fact that EUREKA was considering ways of encouraging more projects with a strategic dimension in terms of the competitiveness of European industry as a whole. Such projects shoud involve SMEs and large companies.

16 — The Conference asked that a report be made to its next session on the practical steps taken to implement the proposals put forward by EUREKA.

Network review

17 — The Conference was pleased to hear of the thorough review of "EUREKA's structure and working practices that had taken place during the UK Chairmanship. It noted the review's conclusion that there is a need to adapt EUREKA's management and decision making processes to reflect the growth in membership and to ensure the service offered by EUREKA to-companies is efficient and responsive.

18 — It was broadly felt that EUREKA's ability to evolve and to demonstrate, as well as preach, innovation reflected well the vitality of the initiative.

Relationships with European non-member countries

19 — The UK Chairmanship, implementing an action from EUREKA's 3rd Medium Term Plan, carried out a review of the initiative's relationship with the eight National Information Point (NIP) countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

20 — The Conference wholeheartedly supported the review's conclusion that, despite the difficulties involved, it was to the benefit of all that EUREKA should sustain its current effort to establish effective links and extend cooperation with the countries of the region.

21 — The Conference recommended that as the investment climate in Central and Eastern Europe improved EUREKA should adopt a proactive approach in promoting joint strategic projects.

Application from Romania

22 — The Conference noted that an application for membership had been received from Romania and that this was currently being considered.


23 — The Conference requested the Chairman of the VTUth EUREKA Inter-Parliamentary Conference to bring this Resolution to the attention of the Chairman of the XVth EUREKA Ministerial Conference, taking place in the Queen Elizabeth JJ Conference Centre, London, on 19 June 1997. The Conference further requested that emphasis be placed on (i) its approval of the EUREKA paper on synergy with the Framework Programme and, in particular, the realisation of the proposals made in the Third Medium Term Plan and its wish to be kept informed of progress on this matter; and («) the conclusion of this Conference that EUREKA should develop its activities to help European companies secure effective and mutually beneficial collaborations with the best, partners no matter where in the world they are located.

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