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The solutions he envisages are described as challenges of a federal Europe – and some may interpret

them as an impulse to transform the EU into a federal state, in the model of the United States of


Yet, the report, and the draft resolution the Political Affairs Committee unanimously supports,

propose quite the opposite.

What is needed – the Rapporteur says - in a federalistic organization of our European societies

according to the principle of subsidiarity, one of the cornerstones of the classic theory of the state.

Each collective problem should be solved as close as possible to the people directly interested on it.

Instead of a monstrous power at the top, we should have there only what is indispensable to deal

with questions which cannot be solved at a lower level, be it national states, or regional or local

authorities, whose capacity will tend to be reinforced.

Is a written European constitution needed for that purpose? The opinion of the Rapporteur is yes –

but I am afraid that should remain as an open question, to be discussed in our Assembly and in other

fora, as time goes by and European peoples believe again strongly and commit themselves to the

ideals of the Founding Fathers of a United Europe.

Debate sobre

“Contribuição parlamentar para a resolução do conflito do Sahara Ocidental”

 Deputado Mota Amaral (PSD)

Madame la Présidente,

Mesdames et Messieurs,

Le conflit du Sahara Occidental a une longue histoire, qui va même beaucoup plus loin que les

derniers 40 ans, comme d’habitude en Afrique, malheureusement, en raison des mouvements de

populations autochtones et en résultat des partitions du territoire faites par les puissances coloniales


Dans sa version actuelle ce conflit est sous la responsabilité directe du Secrétaire-Général des

Nations Unies et il convient de respecter ses attributions et compétences.