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18 DE JULHO DE 2015


For European citizens this is considered to be a serious question and it is indeed. So, it deserves a

clear policy for accepting and integrating migrants in each member country and in Europe as a


The principles and rules of the Council of Europe about the respect of human rights, for all parts

involved, will certainly be, if respected with an open heart, of great advantage for facing these challenges.

26 de junho de 2014

Debate sobre

“Desafios para o Banco de Desenvolvimento do Conselho da Europa”

 Deputado Mendes Bota (PSD)

Dear President.

Dear Colleagues,

Founded on the far year of 1956, under another and long name, the Council of Europe Development

Bank is dealing again with refugees and displaced persons. Not the same of the post II World War,

but the victims of this New War on social and economic crisis, adding to refugees and displaced

persons the objectives of job creation and helping to micro, small and medium enterprises.

Governor Rolf Wenzel, you can count on EPP Group support, but we have some remarks to do.

Let’s start by point 2 of the draft resolution, and I quote: “The Assembly notes the Bank’s continued

commitment to preserving the level of lending to the neediest countries (notably outside the

European Union)”.

How does this matches with Table 3 of the Appendix to Mr. Eltzinga’s report, when only 3 countries,

all of them European Union members, and surely not the less developed, Belgium, France and Spain,

got 40,2% of the 2.274 million Euros of CEB loans approved in 2013?

Because “target countries” are limited to increase their public debt? Or is it a problem of visibility. Do

governments, regional or local authorities, or public agencies, are they aware of CEB possibilities to

finance social projects?