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La proposition de solution approuvée à Athènes par notre Commission des Affaires Politiques,

mériterait recevoir un appui unanime de l’Assemblée; mais s’il y aura des amendements à considérer,

il faudra trouver, prenant d’autresaussi en considération, une nouvelle situation d’équilibre pour que

la résolution de notre Assemblée maintienne une juste perspective sur cette question bien délicate.

Debate conjunto sobre

“Identidades e diversidade nas sociedades interculturais”(Relator, Deputado Carlos Costa Neves)

e “Integração de migrantes na Europa”

 Deputado Carlos Costa Neves (PSD) - Apresentação do Relatório

Intercultural societies are the positive match between diversity and cohesion. They represent a major

societal change, which requires adjustments in the design of cultural, education, youth and social

cohesion policies.

This report is about people – about Europe, our countries and cities, our families and our neighbours.

It is about each one of us and our specific composite identities. It goes beyond the simple recognition

of diversity and the promotion of tolerance towards recognition of the originality of each identity and

the promotion of positive exchanges and interaction, bearing in mind that intercultural exchange

means mutual transformation. The report is not about immigration, or even about majorities and

minorities. It is about us living together as equals with dignity.

This Assembly has long pleaded for a society without any form of marginalisation, in which everyone

has the right and the opportunity to develop as people whose dignity and identity are fully respected.

As you know, this does not always happen as a natural evolution in society. Groups struggle for

recognition of their identity and clashes of views tend to prevent dialogue and exchange. The

differences in how we perceive each other may lead to invisible barriers, such as stereotypes and

prejudices that are extremely hard to break. Therefore, we must join forces to ensure respect for

human rights and cultural differences. However, to be effective we need to share not only the aim but

the strategy to achieve this.