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This is very worrying and the Council of Europe should know more about this subject.

Thank you.

O Deputado Pedro Cegonho (PS), participou também no debate Ocontrolo da comunicação em linha: uma

ameaça ao pluralismo dos meios de comunicação, liberdade de informação e dignidade humana (Doc.

15537). Foi adotada a Resolução 2454 (2022), a 23 de junho.


Thank you, Madam President.

Dear colleagues,

This report covers a sensitive issue. The concentration of the internet

business in the hands of a few private corporations gives them huge

economic and technological power. As well as the possibility to influence almost every aspect of people's

life and social life.

Afterwards, the use of artificial intelligence and automatic filters for content moderation is neither reliable

nor effective. It is very important that the Assembly could bring the member states' legislation to observe

the human rights impacts of algorithmic systems and the roles and responsibilities of internet

intermediaries at the concentration of economic and technological power in their hands with the correct

competition regulations and tools.

We underline the report's aim to avoid pushing new actors outside the market or enabling them to enter

the market. However, those measures must guarantee that any legislation imposing duties or restrictions

on the internet with an impact on users' freedom of expression be exclusively aimed at dealing with illegal

content to avoid broader notion as harmful content.

It is urgent to ensure that mere automated content moderation is not allowed by national legislation. In

connection, we must encourage internet intermediaries, via legal and policy measures, to allow users to

choose means of direct and efficient communication which do not solely rely on automatic tools.

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