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We must congratulate the rapporteur when he recognises the key role of local and regional authorities in

addressing the dire humanitarian consequences faced by citizens, aware that needs our best assessed at

local and regional sources.

In the meantime, Portugal has granted temporary protection to more than 42 000 Ukrainians, the vast

majority of them being women.

Our country has issued more than 37 000 certificates, granting residence permits under the temporary

protection regime. This certificate, issued after the national health service, social security, and tax

authorities intervention, enables refugees to start working and access all support.

These requests to temporary protection have been authorised for more than 12 000 children and young

teens representing around 30% of the total. Out of these minors, 700 have arrived in our country without

parents or legal representatives, cases in which they are considered to be in present or in imminent danger.

Portugal is deeply committed to promoting the rights of migrants. Our country has created centres to

provide services for migrants. These centres were awarded by the United Nations Public Service Prize in

2019. These services that migrant women most requested concerned housing, entrance into the labour

market, and the registration of children. There were 149 centres established to increase migrant access to

these services.

Whoever, whenever, wherever. Everyone has the right to seek protection from states that practice

democracy and the rule of law.

Thank you for the floor, Mister Chair.

Intervenção do Deputado Paulo Pisco (PS)

Thank you, Chairman.

Europe and Ukraine are living in a dramatic situation because

of the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation, with also

a flow of displaced persons as we haven't seen since the

Second World War.

II SÉRIE-D — NÚMERO 17 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________