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And the democratic community’s response has been a message not only to Russia, but it is a message to

the world.

Since we all know others who try to undermine democracies with economic coercion, civil society

subversion, cyber operations and destructive finance.

Russia had been using all these tactics in Ukraine.

To start, democratic nations must understand democracy as a matter of world security and not simply a

values proposition.

The global health pandemic is not over, we have a war and can face a catastrophic climate crisis that might

reshape society through increasing conflict, migration and resource scarcity.

Autocrats weaponize such crises to undermine public belief in institutions, governance, and democratic

processes, the very things needed to address these challenges.

So, how democracies respond both internally and globally matters.

A coordinated global democracy network is needed.

Especially in Europe and, therefore, the Council of Europe’s reaction was the right one, regarding the Article

8 of the Statute to end the membership of a member State.

And yes, the Council of Europe member States are interdependent for their security and stability.

And yes, they are interdependent for ensuring the pursuit of peace based upon justice and international

co-operation, which, as the Statute reads, is vital for the preservation of society and European civilization,

as “democracy lighthouse”.

We must defend democracy.

Thank you.

20 DE JULHO DE 2022 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________