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ln this respect, the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union

(FPEU) has identified severa! priorities organised around five themes:

- a faster reacting operational Europe,

- a Europe that contributes to respecting internatíonal law and access to

contested spaces (sea, air, space and cyberspace),

- a Europe that is resilient in the face of outside influence,

- a Europe that is sovereign in industry and technology:

- a global Europe that builds equitable partnerships.


What should be the outline of the rapid reaction capacity of 5,000 troops

included ín the Strategic Compass project? How should it interact with the EU


What instruments does the EU need to secure contested spaces more

effectively, especial/y cyberspace and outer space?

What should be the príoríties of the EU space strategy for security and defence

that the EU must adopt before 2023?

What are the priority capabilíty projects within the EU, and what assets does the

EU have to find common funding for them?

How should the EU's Strategic Compass interact with the new Strategíc

Concept that NA TO is expected to adopt ín June 2022? More generally, how

should NA TO operations ínteract with the Common Securíty and Defence Policy


What lessons can we fearn from the establishment of bilateral and multilateral

cooperation outside the EU legal framework in the fields of operations and

capabilities? What can we draw from the European lntervention lnitiative (E/2)

that France launched in 2018 to encourage the emergence of a common

European strategic culture?

II SÉRIE-D — NÚMERO 22 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________