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European Union decided to extend this regime of individual sanctions until 15

March 2022.

Thirdly, on 23 June 2014, the Council of the European Union adopted

Regulation (EU) No 692/2014 concerning restrictions on the import into the

Union of goods originating in Crimea or Sevastopol, in response to the illegal

annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol, which prohibits imports coming from

these regions, restricts investments, prohibits tourism services and the export of

certain goods. On 21 June 2021, the Council extended these measures until 23

June 2022. Additionally, on 31 July 2014, the Council adopted Regulation (EU)

No 833/2014, which imposes sanctions on economic exchanges with Russia in

certain sectors, limits access to the EU's primary and secondary capital markets

for certain Russian companies and banks, places an embargo on arms imports

and exports, prohibits the export of dual-use goods, and restricts Russia's

access to certain sensitive services and technologies. On 13 January 2022, the

Council extended these measures until 31 July 2022 based on the assessment

of the implementation of the Minsk peace agreements in eastern Ukraine made

by the European Council on 16 December 2021.

ln response to Russian troop movements, which since December 2021 have

seen around 100,000 troops placed within 250 km of the line of contact

separating Ukrainian-controlled territory from the territory claimed by separatist

forces, the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep

Borrei! visited Ukraine as early as 5 January 2022 and stated that "any

discussion of Europe's security must include the European Union and Ukraine".

On 1 O January 2022, bilateral talks were held between the United States and

Russia in Geneva. These were followed on 12 January by a NATO-Russia

Council meeting, the first in this format since summer 2019. Meanwhile, on 14

January 2022, severa! Ukraine government sites were subject to a widescale

cyberattack. ln response, High Representative Josep Borrei! announced that he

was sending a person to Ukraine to participate in the investigation to identify

who was responsible for the attack, and he confirmed that the Member States of

lhe Permanent Structured Cooperation on the Cyber Rapid Response Teams

were ready to support Ukraine if necessary.

ln an informal meeting in Brest on 13 and 14 January 2022 and then at the

Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) meeting in Brussels on 24 January 2022, Member

States' foreign affairs ministers reaffirmed their unreserved support for Ukraine's

independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and stressed that any military

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