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14.2. encourages the parliaments of Council of Europe member States and other parliaments which have not yet done so to adopt resolutions commemorating the victims of the Holodomor, and recognising it as a genocide.

15. As regards the establishment of a comprehensive system of accountability, the Assembly:

15.1. gives it full support to the Enlarged Partial Agreement of the Council of Europe on the Registerof Damage Caused by the Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, and invites thelargest possible number of countries to join;

15.2. calls on the countries represented in the Conference of Participants of the Register of Damageto swiftly advance to ensure the Register of Damage is operational as soon as possible and that theRegister relies, amongst other sources, on the information coming from Ukrainian non-governmentalorganisations and human rights defenders; and to provide periodic reporting on its functioning;

15.3. calls on member and non member States and other States to swiftly advance on future stepstowards accountability and justice, namely the establishment of a comprehensive compensationmechanism, including an international commission for the examination of claims for the damagesrecorded in the Register of Damage, and a compensation fund to pay out the decisions forcompensation of damage awarded by the commission, in particular by confiscating and otherwise usingthe Russian Federation’s assets to pay for war damages in Ukraine;

15.4. supports the activity of the "core group" of countries prepared to support the creation of a specialinternational tribunal for the crime of aggression and calls on the "core group" to come to an agreementon its legal form as soon as possible, taking into account the need to maximise its internationallegitimacy and to minimise possible legal issues, in particular regarding the possible reliance of keysuspects on personal or functional immunity;

15.5. calls on the international community to strongly support the International Criminal Court (ICC)and the Joint Investigation Team (JIT), including the International Centre for the Prosecution of theCrime of Aggression against Ukraine (ICPA), to investigate and prosecute the numerous war crimesand crimes against humanity that Russian soldiers, commanders and their proxies have committed orordered in Ukraine, since the beginning of the aggression in 2014, as well as the crime of aggressioncommitted by the political and military leadership of the Russian Federation, and support efforts to bringto justice those responsible for the forcible transfer of Ukrainian children;

15.6. standing in solidarity with all Ukrainian victims of enforced disappearances, their families andrelatives, calls on the international community to demand:

15.6.1. that the Russian Federation compiles a list of illegally detained persons as a result of the aggression against Ukraine for its transmission to the United Nations, Ukraine or a third country that will ensure their return to Ukraine;

15.6.2. the immediate and unconditional release of victims of enforced disappearances, the dismantling of filtration camps, and the punishment of the perpetrators.

16. Recalling the speech delivered by President Zelenskyy to the United Nations General Assembly inSeptember 2023, the Assembly calls on all States that uphold the rules-based international order to:

16.1. support President Zelenskyy’s peace formula;

16.2. support Ukraine in its struggle to defend its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity by providing political, financial, legal, humanitarian and military assistance, and by mobilising the resources that will be necessary to finance the reconstruction of Ukraine, redress environmental damage, and restore the rich cultural and religious heritage of the country.

17. Welcoming the initiative of the Council of the European Union to hold a meeting of Foreign Ministers inKyiv on 2 October 2023, for the first time ever in a non-European Union member State, the Assembly calls onparliaments and governments of Council of Europe member States to spare no efforts to support Ukraine in itspath towards accession to the European Union as a fully-fledged member.

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