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7. The Assembly recalls that Azerbaijan is further bound by international standards for the protection ofnational minorities and for the prevention of population displacement and has moreover the obligation toprovide and allow for humanitarian assistance to those Armenians remaining as of today on its territory in theregion.

8. The Assembly notes the promises made by the Republic of Azerbaijan that the rights and freedoms ofthe Armenian residents will be ensured in line with its Constitution and applicable international obligations,including those mentioned above. The Assembly notes the announcement of the plans of the Government ofthe Republic of Azerbaijan with respect to the reintegration of Armenian residents and ensuring their rights,including in such areas as security, socio-economic development and religious, cultural and linguistic rights.

9. The Assembly welcomes the invitation by Azerbaijan to the United Nations to visit the region and notesthe preliminary conclusions of the United Nations mission that took place on 1 October 2023. It also welcomesthe planned visit by the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights to Azerbaijan, including itsNagorno-Karabakh region, and the co-operation of the Azerbaijani authorities to facilitate this visit. TheAssembly expects that this invitation will be extended to its members as well.

10. The Assembly has witnessed with great sadness and a sense of powerlessness the massive exodusover recent days of the Armenian population from this region of Azerbaijan, following on immediately from thelaunch of the military operation and the agreement reached by the Azerbaijan authorities with the self-proclaimed authorities, who have announced their dissolution.

11. Strongly regretting that almost the entire Armenian population of the region – more than 100 600persons at the time of the adoption of this resolution – has left its ancestral homeland and fled to Armenia,certainly out of genuine threat of physical extinction, a long-standing policy of hatred in Azerbaijan towardsArmenians and a lack of trust in their future treatment by the Azerbaijani authorities, the Assembly recognisesthe huge responsibility now placed upon Armenia to cope with the refugee crisis underway. The Assemblyalso notes, according to the available information, that the relevant independent bodies present on theground, such as the United Nations Agencies, have not recorded incidences of mistreatment by Azerbaijaniauthorities of Armenians leaving for Armenia. It welcomes the declarations of support and solidarity clearlyexpressed in Armenia for the refugees and calls on the Council of Europe member States to accompanyArmenia in this endeavour by providing not only financial support but also expertise, in particular in the area ofmental health and psychological support for this traumatised population. The Council of Europe memberStates should also be ready to demonstrate European solidarity in welcoming a part of the refugee population,should those persons wish to settle elsewhere.

12. The Assembly regrets the human tragedy unfolding today, as well as the long-standing and continuingfailure on the part of the authorities of Azerbaijan to reassure the Armenian population of this region of theirsafety and the full respect of their rights, and to guarantee an approach to their future, free of acts orexpressions of reprisals or revenge for the events which took place in the 1990s and during the 2020 war.

13. In its Resolution 2508 (2023), the Assembly noted the lack of acknowledgment on the part of theleadership of Azerbaijan for the very serious humanitarian and human rights consequences stemming fromthe blockade of the Lachin Corridor. The factual situation today, with the massive exodus of the almost entireArmenian population from this region, has led to allegations and reasonable suspicion that this can amount toethnic cleansing. The Assembly notes in this respect that the practice of ethnic cleansing, may give rise toindividual criminal responsibility under international law, in so far as it has the characteristics of specific warcrimes (ordering the displacement of civilian population) or crimes against humanity (deportation or forcibletransfer of population and persecution against any identifiable group), in accordance with the Rome Statute ofthe International Criminal Court and general international law. The Assembly notes the strong statements ofAzerbaijan refuting such allegations and suspicions and calls upon the authorities to spare no efforts inproving in deeds and words that this is not the case.

its recent military operation. It also has an obligation under Protocol No. 4 to the Convention (ETS No. 46) to respect the right of the Armenians of this region to freedom of movement, including the right to leave any country (Article 2 of Protocol No. 4), and the right to enter the territory of the State of which they are nationals (Article 3 of Protocol No. 4). These rights, as well as the right to respect for private and family lives and their homes (Article 8) and the right to the peaceful enjoyment of possessions (Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 (ETS No. 9)) would be breached if the Armenians who have fled the region were to be prevented from returning voluntarily to the homes and lands they left behind or if these were to be transferred or de facto expropriated.

27 DE FEVEREIRO DE 2024 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________