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SESSION 4 Strengthening coordination, cooperation and partnership at national, regional and international level, to ensure the right to adequate food for all

66 United Nations. (2015). Sustainable development goals. 17 goals to transform our world: (https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/).67 FAO, IFAD, WHO, WFP and UNICEF. (2022). The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022. Repurposing food and agricultural

policies to make healthy diets more affordable. Rome, FAO. (https://www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/cc0639en).68 FAO. (2013). Framework Law “Right to Food, Food Security and Sovereignty” Eighteenth Ordinary Meeting of the Latin American Parliament

(page 44). Panama: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.69 FAO. (2019). FAO's work on the Right to Food. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

(https://www.fao.org/right-to-food/resources/resources-detail/en/c/1238127/).70 Zúñiga, V., and Rocha, P. (2021). La alimentación como un derecho humano: Estudio interdisciplinario U. de Chile plantea necesidad de

consagrar el derecho a la alimentación en la nueva Constitución. Universidad de Chile News. (https://www.uchile.cl/noticias/175191/estudio-plantea-necesidad-de-consagrar-el-derecho-a-la-alimentacion).


Achieving the global nutrition and health targets before 2030 in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals66, in a globalized world where climate change is increasing and affecting the production and marketing of healthy food, will require consensus and cooperation between countries and between institutions to counteract the severe impact on the agrifood sector caused by natural disasters, pandemics and conflicts. Only in this way can we make progress in realizing the human right to adequate food and nutrition for the health of all.67 These efforts are translated into coordination and cooperation agreements and public redistribution policies in the economic, health, agricultural, fisheries and social protection fields, which allow progress towards healthier, more sustainable, equitable and resilient agrifood systems.68,69,70.

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