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regard to the outline approved by the general assembly; he shall keep the treasurer informed of unforeseen expenses and of significant variations from predicted income. He will, if necessary, submit, in agreement with the treasurer, amended budget* to the council.

4 — The director general shall cause true and accurate accounts to be kept of all monies received and expended by IUCN and shall be responsible for the control of all such income and expenditure in accordance with the budget.

5 — The accounts of IUCN shall be examined each year by the auditors appointed by the general assembly who will submit a written report to the council. The council shall examine the auditors' report and make recommendations thereon to the members. The auditors shall submit to each ordinary session of the general assembly a consolidated report on the accounts of IUCN for the triennium.

6 — The director general shall have the power to accept grants, donations and other payments on behalf of IUCN, subject to any instruction by the council.


External relatione

The director general, with the agreement of the council, may establish in the name of IUCN appropriate working relations with governments and organizations, whether national or international, governmental or non-govemmental and shall report such act'ens to the members and to the following general assembly.


An information bulletin shall be published periodically in the official languages of IUCN and circulated to all members. It shall serve as a mean of providing the members with information on the activities of IUCN and on other aspects of the conservation of nature and natural resources. It shall be used as a mean of promoting the objects of IUCN.


Switzerland is the seat of the Union.

ARTICLE XIV Official languages

The official languages of IUCN are English and


ARTICLE XV Legal statu*

1 — IUCN is an association established pursuant to article 60 of the Swiss Civil Code, and therefore the legally binding provisions of this Code governing associations apply to IUCN and in particular articles 65 (5), 68, 75 and 77.

2 — The director general with the consent of die council has the authority to take the appropriate steps

to obtain, in accordance with the laws of the country in which IUCN is to undertake activities, such legal status as may be necessary to carry out those activities.

ARTICLE XVI Regulations

1 — The council shall adopt and may amend the regulations. The regulations shall conform to these Statutes, and neither limit nor expand the powers of the members to exercise control on any matter required by these Statutes or the authority conferred by these Statutes upon the council or director general.

2 — Any regulation or amendment to a regulation shall be communicated to the members as soon as possible after it is made.

3 — A member may ask the council to review a regulation. A regulation shall be considered by the general assembly at the request of a voting member.


1 — The council shall consider any amendment to these Statutes proposed by a member of IUCN, provided that it is received by the secretariat not less than thirty days prior to the regular meeting of the council in the year preceding an ordinary or extraordinary session of the general assembly. The member proposing such amendment shall be notified of the council's decision. In the case of a favourable decision by the council, the procedure prescribed in paragraph 2 below shall apply.

2 — The council may propose amendments to these Statutes. Such proposals shall be communicated to the members of IUCN by the director general not less than four months prior to an ordinary or extraordinary session of the general assembly.

3 — The director general shall communicate to the members any amendments to these Statutes proposed in a request subscribed to by three members in category A or twenty members in category B, provided that such a proposal is received not less than six months prior to an ordinary or extraordinary session of the general assembly. Such communication shall include the explanations of the authors of the proposal and any comments of the council.

4 — Amendments proposed in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3 above shall be considered by the general assembly and shall become effective immediately upon receiving a two-thirds majority vote in each category at a general assembly.

3 — Whenever the Statutes of IUCN are amended, and the functions of various existing organs of IUCN arc affected, the existing organs shall carry out the new duties under the amended Statutes during any transition period occasioned by the amendments.


1 — The general assembly may only resolve on the dissolution of IUCN on the basis of a written motion to be sent to all the members at least three months