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11 DE MARÇO DE 1992


SECTION I General requirements for reduction

1 — Conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty shall be reduced in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Protocol and the other protocols listed in article vm, paragraph 1, of the Treaty. Any one of such procedures shall be deemed sufficient, when conducted in accordance with the provisions of article vm of the Treaty or this Protocol, to carry out reduction.

2 — Each State Party shall have the right to use any technological means it deems appropriate to implement the procedures for reducing conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty.

3 — Each State Party shall have the right to remove, retain and use those components and parts of conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty which are not themselves subject to reduction in accordance with the provisions of section II of this Protocol, and to dispose of debris.

4 — Unless otherwise provided for in this Protocol, conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty shall be reduced so as to preclude their further use-or restoration for military purposes.

5 — After entry into force of the Treaty, additional procedures for reduction may be proposed by any State Party. Such proposals shall be communicated to all other States Parties and shall provide the details of such procedures in the same format as the procedures set forth in this Protocol. Any such procedures shall be deemed sufficient to carry out the reduction of conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty upon a decision to that effect by the Joint Consultative Group.


Standards for presentation at reduction sites

1 — Each item of conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty which is to be reduced shall be presented at a reduction site. Each such item shall consist, at a minimum, of the following parts and elements:

A) For battle tanks: the hull, turret and integral main armament. For the purposes of this Protocol, an integral main armament of a battle tank shall be deemed to include the gun tube, breech system, trunnions and trunnion mounts;

B) For armoured combat vehicles: the hull, turred and integral main armament, if any. For the purposes of this Protocol, an integral main armament of an armoured combat vehicle shall be deemed to include the gun tube, breech system, trunnions and trunnion mounts. For the purposes of this Protocol, an integral main armament shall be deemed not to include machine guns of less than 20 milimetre calibre, all of which may be salvaged;

C) For artillery: the tube, breech system, cradle including trunnions an trunnion mounts, trails, if any; or launcher tubes or launcher rails and their bases; or mortar tubes and their base

plates. In the case of self-propelled pieces of artillery, the vehicle hull and turret, if any, shall also be presented;

D) For combat aircraft: the fuselage; and

E) For attack helicopters: the fuselage, including the transmission mounting area.

2 — In each case, the item presented at the reduction site in accordance with paragraph 1 of this section shall consist of a complete assembly.

3 — Parts and elements of conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty not specified in paragraph 1 of this section, as well as parts and elements which are not effected by reduction under the procedures of this Protocol, including the turrets of armoured personnel carriers equipped only with machine guns, may be disposed of as the State Party undertaking the reduction decides.

SECTION III Procedures for reduction of battle tanks by destruction

1 — Each State Party shall have the right to choose any one of the following sets of procedures each time it carries out the destruction of battle tanks at reduction sites.

2 — Procedure for destruction by severing:

A) Removal of special equipment from the chassis including detachable equipment, that ensures the operation of on-board armament systems;

B) Removal of the turret, if any;

Q For the gun breech system, either:

1) Welding the breech block to the breech ring in at least two places; or

2) Cutting of at least one side of the breech ring along the long axis of the cavity that receives the breech block;

D) Severing of the gun tube into two parts at a distance of no more than 100 milimetres from the breech ring;

E) Severing of either of the gun trunnions and its trunnion mount in the turret;

F) Severing of two sections from the perimeter of the hull turret aperture each constituting a portion of a sector with an angle of no less than 60 degrees and, at a minimum, 200 milimetres in radial axis, centred on the longitudinal axis of the vehicle; and

G) Severing of sections form both sides of the hull which include the final drive apertures, by ver-

. tical and horizontal cuts in the side plates and diagonal cuts in the deck or belly plates and front or rear plates, so that the final drive apertures are contained in the severed portions.

3 — Procedure for destruction by explosive demolition:

A) Hull, hatches and cornerplates shall be open to maximise venting;

B) An explosive charge shall be placed inside the gun tube where the trunnions connect to the gun mount or cradle;