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and howitzers or mortars with a turret: the method specified for battle tanks in section in, paragraph 3, of this Protocol shall be applied in order to achieve results equivalent to those specified in that provision; and B) For self-propelled guns, howitzers, artillery pieces combining the characteristics of guns and howitzers or mortars whithout a turret: an explosive charge shall be placed in the hull under the forward edge of the traversing deck that supports the tube, and detonated so as to separate the deck plate from the hull. For the destruction of the weapon system, the method specified for guns, howitzers, or artillery pieces combining the characteristics of guns and howitzers in paragraph 3 of this section shall be applied in order to achieve results equivalent to those specified in that provision.

8 — Procedure for destruction by smashing of self-propelled guns, howitzers, artillery pieces combining the characteristics of guns and howitzers or mortars:

A) A heavy steel wrecking ball, or the equivalent, shall be dropped repeatedly onto the hull and turret, if any, until the hull is cracked in at least three separate places and the turret in at least one place;

B) The hits of the ball on the turret shall render either of the trunnions and its trunnion mount inoperative, and deform visibly the breech ring; and

Q The tube shall be visibly cracked or bent at approximately its mid-point.

9 — Procedure for destruction by severing of multiple launch rocket systems:

A) Removal of special equipment from the multiple launch rocket system, including detachable equipment, that ensures the operation of its combat systems; and

B) Removal of tubes or launch rails, screws (gears) of elevation mechanism sectors, tube bases or launch rail bases and their rotatable parts and severing them into two approximately equal parts in areas that are not assembly joints.

10 — Procedure for destruction by explosive demolition of multiple launch rocket systems:

A linear shaped charge shall be placed across the tubes or launcher rails, and tube or launcher rail bases. When detonated, the charge shall sever the tubes or launcher rails, tube or launcher rail bases and their rotatable parts, into two approximately equal parts in areas that are not assembly joints.

11 — Procedure for destruction by deformation of multiple launch rocket systems:

All tubes or launcher rails, tube or launcher rail bases and the sighting system shall be visibly bent at approximately the mid-point.


Procedures for the reduction of combat aircraft by destruction

1 — Each State Party shall have the right to choose any one of the following sets of procedures each time it carries out the destruction of combat aircraft at reduction sites.

2 — Procedure for destruction by severing:

The fuselage of the aircraft shall be divided into three parts not on assembley joints by severing its nose immediately forward of the cockpit and its tail in the central wing section area so that assembly joints, if there are any in the areas to be severed, shall be contained in the severed portions.

3 — Procedure for destruction by deformation;

The fuselage shall be deformed throughout by compression, so that its height, width or length is reduced by at least 30%.

4 — Procedure for destruction by use as target drones: \

A) Each State Party shall have the right to reduce by use as target drones no more than 200 combat aircraft during the 40-month reduction period;

B) The target drone shall be destroyed in flight by munitions fired by the armed forces of the State Party owning the target drone;

Ç) If the attempt to shoot down the target drone fails and it is subsequently destroyed by a self-destruct mechanism, the procedures of this paragraph shall continue to apply. Otherwise the target drone may be recovered or may be claimed destroyed by accident in accordance with section IX of this Protocol, depending on the circumstances; and,

D) Notification of destruction shall be made to all other States Parties. Such notification shall include the type of the destoyed target drone and the location where it was destroyed. Within 90 days of the notification, the State Party claiming such reduction shall send documentary evidence, such as a report of the investigation, to all other States Parties. In the event of ambiguities relating to the destruction of a particular target drone, reduction shall not be considered complete until final resolution of the matter.


Procedures for the reduction of attack helicopters by destruction

1 — Each State Party shall have the right to choose any one of the following sets of procedures each time it carries out the destruction of attack helicopters at reduction sites.

2 — Procedure for destruction by severing:

A) The tail boom or tail part shall be severed from the fuselage so that the assembly joint is contained in the severed portion; and