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11 DE MARÇO DE 1992


moured infantary fighting vehicles, damage to the gun system shall be equivalent to that specified in paragraph 2, subparagraph D), of this section.

2) The breech block is torn off, deformed or partially melted;

3) The attachments between the tube and the breech ring and between one of the trunnions of the cradle and the upper carriage are destroyed or sufficiently damage to make them further inoperative; and

4) The trails are separated into two approximately equal parts or sufficiently damaged to make them further inoperative.

4 — Procedure for destruction by smashing:

A) A heavy steel wrecking ball, or the equivalent, shall be dropped repeatedly onto the hull and the turret, if any, until the hull is cracked in at least three separate places and the turret, if any, in one place;

B) In addition, for heavy armament combat vehicles:

1) The hits of the ball on the turret shall render either of the gun trunnions and its trunnion mount inoperative, and shall deform visibly the breech ring; and

2) The gun tube shall be visibly cracked or bent.


Procedures for the reduction of artillery by destruction

1 — Each State Party shall have the right to choose any one of the following sets of procedures each time it carries out the destruction of guns, howitzers, artillery pieces combining the characteristics of guns and howitzers, multiple launch rocket systems or mortars at reduction sites.

2 — Procedure for destruction by severing of guns, howitzers, artillery pieces combining the characteristics of guns and howitzers, or mortars, that are not self--propelled:

A) Removal of special equipment, including detachable equipment, that ensures the operation of the gun, howitzer, artillery piece combining the characteristics of guns and howitzers or mortar;

B) For the breech system, if any, of the gun, howitzer, artillery piece combining the characteristics of guns and howitzers or mortar, either:

1) Welding the breech block to the breech ring in at least two places; or

2) Cutting of at least one side of the breech ring along the long axis of the cavity that receives the breech block;

C) Severing of the tube into two parts at a distance of no more than 100 millimetres from the breech ring;

D) Severing of the left trunnion of the cradle and the mounting area of that trunnion in the upper carriage; and

E) Severing of the trails, or the base plate of the mortar, into two approximately equal parts.

3 — Procedure for destruction by explosive demolition of guns, howitzers, or artillery pieces combining the characteristics of guns and howitzers that are not self-propelled:

A) Explosive charges shall be placed in the tube, on one cradle mount in the upper carriage and on the trails, and detonated so that:

1) The tube is split or longitudinally torn within 1.5 metres of the breech;

4 — Procedure for destruction by explosive demolition of mortars that are not self-propelled:

Explosive charges shall be placed in the mortar tube and on the base plate so that, when the charges are detonated, the mortar tube is ruptured in its lower half and the base plate is severed into two approximately equal parts.

5 — Procedure for destruction by deformation of mortars that are not self-propelled:

A) The mortar tube shall be bent approximately at its mid-point; and

B) The base plate shall be bent approximately on the centreline at an angle of at least 45 degrees.

6 — Procedure for destruction by severing of self--propelled guns, howitzers, artillery pieces combining the caracteristics of guns and howitzers or mortars:

A) Removal of special equipment, including detachable equipment, that ensures the operation of the gun, howitzer, artillery piece combining the characteristics of guns and howitzers or mortar;

B) For the breech system, if any, of the gun, howitzer, artillery piece combining the characteristics of guns and howitzers or mortar, either:

1) Welding the breech block to the breech ring in at least two places; or

2) Cutting of at least one side of the breech ring along the long axis of the cavity that receives the breech block;

Q Severing of the tube into two parts at a distance of no more than 100 millimetres from the breech ring;

D) Severing of the left trunnion and trunnion mount; and

E) Severing of sections of both sides from the hull which include the final drive apertures, by vertical and horizontal cuts in the side plates and diagonal cuts in the deck or belly plates and front or rear plates, so that the final drive apertures are contained in the severed portions.

7 — Procedure for destruction by explosive demolition of self-propelled guns, howitzers, artillery pieces combining the characteristics of guns and howitzers or mortars:

A) For self-propelled guns, howitzers, artillery pieces combining the characteristics of guns