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Q An explosive charge shall be placed on the outside of the hull between the second an third road wheels, or between the third and fourth road wheels in a six road wheel configuration, avoiding natural weaknesses such as welds or escape hatches. The charge must be located within the radius of the turret casting. A second charge shall be placed on the inside of the hull on the same side of the tank, offset and opposite to the external charge;

D) An explosive charge shall be placed on the inside of the turret casting in the area of the main armament mounting; and

E) All charges shall be fired simultaneously so that the main hull and turret are cracked and distorted; the breech block is stripped from the gun tube, fused or deformed; the gun tube is split or longitudinally cut; the gun mount or cradle is ruptured so as to be unable to mount a gun tube; and damage is caused to the running gear so that at least one of the road wheel stations is destroyed.

4 — Procedure for destruction by deformation:

A) Removal of special equipment from the chassis, including detachable equipment, that ensures the operation of on-board armament systems;

B) Removal of the turret, if any;

O For the gun breech system, either:

1) Welding the breech block to the breech ring in at least two places; or

2) Cutting of at least one side of the breech ring along the long axis of the cavity that receives the breech block;

D) Severing of the gun into two parts at a distance of no more than 100 millimetres from the breech ring;

£) Severing of either of the gun trunnions; and

F) The hull and turret shall be deformed so that their widths are each reduced by at least 20%.

5 — Procedure for destruction by smashing:

A) A heavy steel wrecking ball, or the equivalent, shall be dropped repeatedly onto the hull and turret until the hull is cracked in at least three separate places and the turret in at least one place;

B) The hits of the ball on the turret shall render either of the gun trunnions and its trunnion mount inoperative, and deform visibly the breech ring; and

Q The gun tube shall be visibly cracked or bent.


Procedures for the reduction of armoured combat vehicles by destruction

1 — Each State Party shall have the right to choose any of the following sets of procedures each time it carries out the destruction of armoured combat vehicles at reduction sites.

2 — Procedure for destruction by severing:

A) For all armoured combat vehicles, removal of special equipment from; the chassis, including detachable equipment, that ensures the operation of on-board armament sytems;

B) For tracked armoured combat vehicles, severing of sections from both sides of the hull wich include the final drive apertures, by vertical and horizontal cuts in the side plates and diagonal cuts in the deck or belly plates and front or rear plates, so that the final drive apertures are contained in the severed portions;

C) For wheeled armoured combat vehicles, severing of sections from both sides of the hull wich include the front wheel final gearbox mounting areas by vertical, horizontal and irregular cuts in the side, front,,deck and belly plates so that the front wheel final gearbox mounting areas are included in the severed portions at a distance of no less than 100 millimetres from the cuts; and

D) In addition, for armoured infantry fighting vehicles and heavy armament combat vehicles:

1) Removal of the turret;

2) Severing of either of the gun trunnions and its trunnion mount in the turret;

3) For the gun breech system:

a) Welding the breech block to the breech ring in at least two places;

b) Cutting of at least one side of the breech ring along the long axis of the cavity that receives the breech block; or

c) Severing of the breech casing into two approximately equal parts;

4) Severing of the gun tube into two parts at a distance of no more than 100 milimetres from the breech ring; and

5) Severing of two sections from the perimeter of the hull turret aperture, each constituting a portion of a sector with an angle of no less than 60 degrees and, at a minimum, 200, millimetres in radial axis, centred on the longitudinal axis of the vehicle.

3 — Procedure of destruction by explosive demolition: ;

A) An explosive charge shall be placed on the interior floor at the mid-point of the vehicle;

B) A second explosive charge shall be placed as follows:

1) For heavy armament combat vehicles, inside the gun where the trunnions connect to the gun mount or cradle;

2) For armoured infantry fighting vehicles, on the exterior of the receiver/btssch area and lower barrel group;

Q All hatches shall be secured; and D) The charges shall be detonated simultaneously so as to split the sides and top of the hull. For heavy armament combat vehicles and ai-