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E) For armoured combat vehicles:

1) For all armoured combat vehicles, removal of special equipment from the chassis, including deachable equipment, that ensures the operation of on-board armament systems;

2) For rear-engined vehicles, cutting out and removal of a portion of the hull top armour from the front glacis to the bulkhead of the engine-transmission compartment, together with the associated portions of the side and front armour at a heigt of no less than 300 millimetres below the level of the top of the assault crew compartment;

3) For front-engined vehicles, cutting out and removal of a portion of the hull top armour plate from the bulkhead of the engine-transmission comportment to the rear of the vehicle, together with the associated portions of the side armour at a height of no less than 300 millimetres below the level of the top of the assault crew compartment; and

4) In addition, for armoured infantry fighting vehicles and heavy armament combat vehicles:

a) Removal of the turret;

¿1) Severing of either of the gun trunnions and its trunnion mount in the turret;

c) For the gun breech system:

0 Welding the breech block to the breech ring in at least two places;

it) Cutting of at least one side of the breech ring along the long axis of the cavity that receives the breech block; or

Hi) Severing of the breech casing into two approximately equal parts; and

d) Severing of the gun tube into two parts at a distance of no more than 100 millimetres from the breech ring.

7 — Battle tanks and armoured combat vehicles being reduced pursuant to paragraph 6 of this section shall be subject to inspection, without right of refusal, in accordance with section x of the Protocol on Inspection. Battle tanks and armoured combat vehicles shall be deemed reduced upon completion of the procedures specified in paragraph 6 of this section and notification in accordance with section x of the Protocol on Inspection.

8 — Vehicles reduced pursuant to paragraph 7 of this section shall remain subject to notificaiton pursuant to section IV of the Protocol on Information Exchange until final conversion for non-military purposes has been completed and notification has been made in accordance with section x, paragraph 12, of the Protocol on Inspection.

9 — Vehicles undergoing final conversion for non-military purposes shall also be subject to inspection in

accordance with section x of the Protocol on Inspection, with the following changes:

A) The process of final conversion at a reduction site shall not be subject to inspection; and

E) All other States Parties shall have the right to inspect fully converted vehicles, without right of refusal, upon receipt of a notification from the State Party conducting final conversion specifying when final .conversion procedures will be completed. \

10 — If, having completed the procedures specified in paragraph 6 of this section on a given vehicle, it is decided not to proceed with final conversion, then the vehicle shall be destroyed within the time limits for conversion set forth in article vm of the Treaty in accordance with the appropriate procedures set forth els-where in this Protocol.


Procedure in the event of destruction by accident

1 — Each State Party shall have the right to reduce its reduction liability for each category of conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty in the event of destruction by accident by an amount no greater than 1.5% of the maximum levels for holdings it notified at the signature of the Treaty for that category.

2 — An item of conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty shall be deemed reduced, in accordance with article vm of the Treaty, if the accident in which it was destroyed is notified to all other States Parties within seven days of its occurrence. Notification shall include the type of the destroyed item, the date of the accident, the approximate location of the accident and the circumstances related to the accident.

3 — Within 90 days of the notification, the State Party claiming such reduction shall provide documentary evidence, such as a report of the investigation, to all other States Parties in accordance with article xvil of the Treaty. In the event of ambiguities relating to the accident, such reduction shall not be considered complete until final resolution of the matter.


Procedure for reduction by means of static display

1 — Each State Party shall have the right to reduce by means of static display a certain number of conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty.

2 — No State Party shall use static display to reduce more than one percent or eight items, whichever is the greater number, of its maximum levels for holdings it declared at the signature of the Treaty for each category of conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty.

3 — Notwithstanding paragraphs 1 and 2 of this section, each State Party also shall have the right to re-