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11 DE MARÇO DE 1992


B) At least two transmission mounts on the fuselage shall be severed, fused or deformed.

3 — Procedure for destruction by explosive demolition:

Any type and number of explosives may be used so that, at a minimum, after detonation the fuselage is cut into two pieces through that section of the fuselage that contains the transmission mounting area.

4 — Procedure for destruction by deformation:

The fuselage shall be deformed throughout by compression so that its height, width or length is reduced by at least 30°7o.


Rules and procedures for reduction of conventional armaments and equipment limited by the treaty by conversion for non-military purposes.

1 — Each State Party shall have the right to reduce a certain number of battle tanks and armoured combat vehicles by conversion. The types of vehicles that may be converted are listed in paragraph 3 of this section and the specific non-military purposes for which they may be converted are listed in paragraph 4 of this section. Converted vehicles shall not be placed in service with the conventional armed forces of a State Party.

2 — Each State Party shall determine the number of battle tanks and armoured combat vehicles it will convert. This number shall not exceed:

A) For battle tanks, 5.7°7o (not to exceed 750 battle tanks) of the maximum level for holdings of battle tanks it notified at the signature of the Treaty pursuant to article vn of the Treaty, or 150 items whichever is the greater; and

B) For armoured combat vehicles, 15% (not to exceed 3,000 armoured combat vehicles) of the maximum level for holdings of armoured combat vehicles it notified at the signature of the Treaty pursuant to article vn of the Treaty, or 150 items whichever is the greater.

.3 — The following vehicles may be converted for non-military purposes: T-54, T-55, T-62, T-64, T-72, Leopard 1, BMP-1, BTR-60, OT-64. The States Parties, within the framework of the Joint Consultative Group, may make changes to the list of vehicles which may be converted to non-military purposes. Such changes, pursuant to article xvi, paragraph 5, of the Treaty shall be deemed improvements to the viability and effectiveness of the Treaty relating only to minor mattery of a technical nature.

4 — Such vehicles shall be converted for the following specific non-military purposes:

A) General purpose prime movers;

B) Bulldozers;

C) Fire fighting vehicles;

D) Cranes;

E) Power unit vehicles;

F) Mineral fine crushing vehicles;

G) Quarry vehicles;

H) Rescue vehicles;

f) Casualty evacuation vehicles; J) Transportation vehicles; K) Oil rig vehicles;

L) Oil and chemical product spill cleaning vehicles;

Af) Tracked ice breaking prime movers; AO Environmental vehicles.

The States Parties, within the framework of the Joint Consultative Group, may make changes to the list of specific non-military purposes. Such changes, pursuant to article xvi, paragraph 5, of the Treaty shall be deemed improvements to the viability and effectiveness of the Treaty relating only to minor matters of a technical nature.

5 — On entry into force of the Treaty, each State Party shall notify to all other States Parties the number of battle tanks and armoured combat vehicles that it plants to convert in accordance with the provisions of the Treaty. Notification of a State Party's intention to carry out conversion in accordance with this section shall be given to all other States Parties at least 15 days in advance in accordance with section x, paragraph 5, of the Protocol on Inspection. It shall specify the number and types of vehicles to be converted, the starting date and completion date of conversion, as well as the specific non-military purpose vehicles to emerge after conversion.

6 — The following procedures shall be carried out before conversion of battle tanks and armoured combat vehicles at reduction sites:

A) For battle tanks:

1) Removal of special equipment from the chassis, including detachable equipment, that ensures the operation of on-board armament systems;

2) Removal of the turret, if any;

3) For the gun breech system, either:

a) Welding the breech block to the breech ring in at least two places; or

b) Cutting of at least one side of the breech ring along the long axis of the cavity that receives the breech block;

4) Severing of the gun tube into two parts at a distance of no more than 100 millimetres from the breech ring;

5) Severing of either of the gun trunnions and its trunnion mount in the turret; and

6) Cutting out and removal of a portion of the hull top armour beginning from the front glacis to the middle of the hull turret aperture, together with the associated portions of the side armour at a height of no less than 200 millimetres (for the T-64 and T-72, no less than 100 millimetres) below the level of the hull top armour, as well as the associated portion of the front glacis plate severed at the same height. The severed portion of this front glacis plate shall consist of no less than the upper third; and