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equipment on board the observation aircraft to confirm that the inspection is conducted in accordance with the provisions of this section. The observed Party shall facilitate the inspection of the sensors and associated equipment on board the observation aircraft by the inspectors in accordance with the procedures specified in annex D, section n, paragraph 7, to the Treaty.

6 — In conducting the pre-flight inspection, the inspectors shall have the right of access to the sensors and associated equipment on board the observation aircraft in the same manner as provided for in annex D, section n, paragraph 10, and shall comply with the provisions of annex D, section n, paragraphs 11 and 12, to the Treaty.

7 — Upon completion of the pre-flight inspection, the inspectors shall leave the observation aircraft and the observed Party shall have the right to use its own inventory procedures to corifirm that all items of equipment have been removed from the observation aircraft If the observing Party is unable to demonstrate this to the satisfaction of the observed Party, the observed Party shall have the right to prohibit the observation flight in accordance with article vm of the Treaty, and no observation flight shall be recorded against the quota of either State Party.

8 — The inspectors shall immediately inform the observed Party if they establish that any of the sensors or associated equipment on board the observation aircraft do not correspond to those certified in accordance with the provisions of annex D to the Treaty. If the observed Party is unable to demonstrate that the sensors or associated equipment on board the observation aircraft correspond to those certified in accordance with annex D to the Treaty, the observing Party shall have the right to:

A) Agree to use an alternative package of sensor types or capabilities proposed by the observed Party;

B) Proceed according to the original mission plan; Q Accept a delay in the commencement of the

observation flight to permit the observed Party to rectify the problem determined to exist by the observing Party pursuant to this paragraph. In the event that the problem is resolved to the satisfaction of the observing Party, the flight shall proceed according to the mission plan, revised as necessary due to any delay. In the event that the problem is not rectified to the satisfaction of the observing Party, the observing Party shall depart the territory of the observed Party; or D) Cancel the observation flight, and immediately depart the territory of the observed Party.

9 — If the observing Party leaves the territory of the observed Party not having conducted an observation flight, as provided for in paragraph 8, subparagraphs Q and D), of this section, no observation flight shall be counted against the quota of either State Party.

10 — Upon completion of thé pre-flight inspection of the sensors and associated equipment installed on the observation aircraft, the observed Party and the observing Party shall prepare a pre-flight inspection report that shall state that the sensors correspond to those certified in accordance with the provisions of annex D to the Treaty. Signature of the pre-flight inspection report by the observing Party shall signify its agreement to use that observation aircraft to conduct an observation flight over the territory of the observed Party.

Section LU Démonstration flights

1 — In the event that the aircraft is provided by the observing Party, at the request of the observed Party, the observing Party shall, following the pre-flight inspection, conduct a demonstration flight to allow the inspectors to observe the functioning of the sensors that are to be used during the observation flight and to collect sufficient data to allow them to confirm that the capability of those sensors is in accordance with the provisions of article tv, paragraph 8, of the Treaty.

2 — In the event that the aircraft is provided by the observed Party, at the request of the observing Party, the observed Party shall, following the pre-flight inspection, conduct a demonstration flight to allow the inspectors to observe the functioning of the sensors that are to be used during the observation flight and to collect sufficient data to allow them to confirm that the capability of those sensors is in accordance with the provisions of article rv, paragraph 9, of the Treaty.

3 — In the event that either the observed or observing Party exercises its right to request a demonstration flight:

A) The demonstration flight shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of annex D, section ra;

B) The demonstration flight shall last for no more than two hours;

C) The observed Party shall provide calibration targets in accordance with the specifications in appendix 1 to annex D to the Treaty in the vicinity of the airfield at which the pre-flight inspection is to be conducted;

D) Any delay in carrying out a request for a demonstration flight caused by weather conditions or problems with the aircraft or sensors of the observed Party shall not count against the time allocated for such flights, unless otherwise agreed;

■ £) The observed Party shall process the data collected by sensors at a facility in the vicinity of the airfield at which the pre-flight inspection is to be conducted, in the presence of personnel of the observing Party, in accordance with the provisions of article ix, sections n and m, of the Treaty; and

F) The cost of the demonstration flight, including the provision of data recording media and the processing of data, shall be distributee in accordance with the provisions of annex L, section i, paragraph 9, to the Treaty.

4—In the event that the observed Party exercises its right to request a demonstration flight, the observing Party shall have the right to add a period of up to 24 hours to the 96 hours allowed for the conduct of the observation flight, pursuant to article vt, section t, paragraph 9. This shall not affect the right of other States Parties to conduct observation flights after the original period of 96 hours as provided for in article vt, section i, paragraph 3, of the Treaty.

5 — In the event that the observing Party exercises its right to request a demonstration flight, this shall be