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22 DE JULHO DE 1994


ANNEX i . .

Information on airspace and flights

In hazardous airspace ''

1 — No earlier than 90 days after entry into force of the Treaty, at the request of any other State Party, a State Party shall provide, no later than 30 days after the receipt of such a request, the following information in accordance with ICAO provisions:

A) Its airspace structure, as published in the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) series;

B) Detailed information on all hazardous airspace; and

Q Airfield information and arrival and departure procedures for each of its:

1) Points of entry and points of exit;

2) Open skies airfields; and

3) Alternate airfields and refuelling airfields for,its points of entry, points of exit and open skies airfields.

2 — Each State Party shall promptly notify States Parties that have requested information in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of this annex of any changes to the information provided in accordance with paragraph 1 of this annex. Notwithstanding the.'provisions of this paragraph, notices to airmen (NOTAMs) need not be provided.

3 — No later than 90 days after entry into force of the, Treaty, each State Party shall notify all other States Parties of the source of the information to be provided in accordance with paragraph 1 of this annex.

ANNEX 1 ' Montreux Convention

1 — Observation flights conducted under the provisions of the Treaty providing for the observation of the entire territory of States Parties shall not prejudice the Montreux' Convention of 20 July 1936. "

2 — The routing and notification of transit flights of aircraft for the purpose of the Treaty falling within the scope of article 23 of the Montreux Convention shall be governed by the provisions of that article.


Information on film processors, duplicators and photographic. films, and procedures, for monitoring the processing of photographic film.

Section I .

InformaUon on film processors, duplicators . and photographic films

1 — Pursuant to annex D, section n, paragraph 3, subparagraph A), 3), to the Treaty, each State Party, when notifying other States Parties of film processors or duplicators that it intends to use to develop original film negatives or produce duplicate film positives or negatives, shall provide, the following manufacturer's information: '

A) The processor or duplicator name;

B) The maximum and minimum width and length, if applicable, of film which may be processed or-duplicated;

.Q'Each type of film that may be processed or

duplicated in that film processor, and D) Each step in the process, including the range of ~ exposure, temperature, duration, recommended film transport speed, chemicals and chemical mixes, for each type of film.

2 — Pursuant to annex D, section ii, paragraph 3, subparagraph A), 2), to the Treaty, each State Party, when providing information on the types of black and white aerial film that it intends to use to collect data during the. in-flight examination or an observation flight, or to duplicate such data, shall provide the following manufacturer's information, for each type of aerial film that may be processed or duplicated by means of the film processors or duplicators referred to in paragraph 1 of this section, as necessary to confirm the capabilites of the film. Depending upon national practices of the film manufacturer, such information may; include: " ,.

A) Effective film speed;

B) Resolution/modulation; Q Spectral sensitivity; and

D) Optical specular density or sensitometric characteristics.

3 — For the purposes of determining the sensitometric characteristics of aerial film materials in accordance with its own national methodology, each State Party shall have the right to receive, upon request, unexposed samples of all types of photographic film to be used as data recording media, the chemicals for processing them, and to receive instructions for processing and duplication of such photographic films. Such samples and instructions shall be provided no later than 30 days after receipt of such a request.

• Section II _ Monitoring of film processing and duplication .

1 —States. Parties taking part in: the certification of an observation aircraft and its sensors shall have die right to monitor the. processing and duplication of the aerial film used during the in-flight examination. Personnel of the observed and observing Party shall have-the right to monitor the processing and duplication of the aerial film used during a demonstration and observation flight.

2 — While monitoring the processing and duplication of aerial film, the States Parties shall have the right to bring with them, and use, in a manner that does not disrupt the. processing or duplication of the film, the following equipment:

A) Litmus papers; f .

B) Thermometers;

C) Chemical test-equipment, including pH meters and hydrometers;

D) Stopwatches;

E) Sensitometers;

F) Densitometers; and

G) 21-step sensitometric test strips and optical wedges.

3 — Prior to the processing of the films exposed during the in-flight, examination,: demonstration flight and observation flight, States Parties shall'check the film processing equipment and chemicals by processing a 21-step