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sensitometric test strip or exposing and processing a 21-step optical wedge to confirm that the sensitometric data for the processing of that type of film using that film process meets the specifications provided pursuant to section t of this annex. Unless otherwise agreed, die original or duplicate aerial film negatives or positives shall not be processed or duplicated until the processing of the 21-step sensitometric test strip or exposing and processing of the 21-step optical wedge meets the characteristics provided in accordance with the provisions of section i of this annex for that type of aerial film and film processor or duplicator.

4 — Prior to die processing of die films exposed during the in-flight examination, demonstration flight and observation flight. States Parties shall have the right to check the film processing equipment and chemicals by exposing and processing a test film of the same type used during the in-flight examination, demonstration flight and observation flight to confirm that the washing and fixing process is suitable for the purposes of permanent archive storage.


Open Sides Consultative Commission

Section I

General provisions

Procedures and other provisions relating to the Open Skies Consultative Commission are established in this annex pursuant to article x of the Treaty.

1 — The Open Skies Consultative Commission shall be composed of representatives designated by each State Party. Alternates, advisers and experts of a State Party may take part in die proceedings of the Open Skies Consultative Commission as deemed necessary by that State Party.

2 — The initial session of the Open Skies Consultative Commission shall open within 60 days of the signature of the Treaty. The chairman of the opening meeting shall be the representative of Canada.

3 — The Open Skies Consultative Commission shall meet for no fewer than four regular sessions per calendar year unless it decides otherwise.' Extraordinary sessions shall be convened at the request of one or more States Parties by the chairman of the Open Skies Consultative Commission, who shall promptly inform all other States Parties of the request. Such sessions shall open no later than IS days after receipt of such a request by the chairman.

4 — Sessions of the Open Skies Consultative Commission shall last no longer than four weeks, unless it decides otherwise.

5 — States Parties shall assume in rotation, determined by alphabetical order in the French language, the chairmanship of the Open Skies Consultative Commission. Each chairman shall serve from die opening of a session until the opening of the following session, unless otherwise agreed.

6 — Representatives at meetings shall be seated in alphabetical order of the States Parties in the French language.

7 — The working languages of the Open Skies Consultative Commission shall be English, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish.

8—The proceedings of the Open Skies Consultative Commission shall be confidential, unless otherwise agreed. The Open Skies Consultative Commission may agree to make its proceedings or decisions public.

9 — During the period of provisional application, and prior to 30 June 1992, the Open Skies Consultative Commission shall settle die distribution of costs arising under the Treaty. It shall also settle as soon as possible the scale of distribution for the common expenses associated with the operation of the Open Skies Consultative Commission.

10 — During the period of provisional application of die Treaty the Open Skies Consultative Commission shall develop a document relating to notifications and reports required by the Treaty. Such document shall list all such notifications and reports and shall include appropriate formats as necessary.

11—The Open Skies Consultative Commission shall work out or revise, as necessary, its rules of procedure and working methods.

Section II Annual review of active quotas

Procedures for the annual review of active quotas as foreseen in article m, section i, paragraph 7, of die Treaty shall be as follows:

1 — States Parties wishing to modify all or part of the past year's distribution with respect to their active quota shall notify all other States Parties and the Open Skies Consultative Commission, by 1 October of each year, of those States Parties over which they wish to conduct their observation flights during the next calendar year. Such proposed modifications shall be considered by the States Parties during this review, according to the rules set forth in die following paragraphs of this section.

2 — If the requests for observation flights over the territory of any given State Party do not exceed its passive quota, then the distribution shall be established as requested, and presented to die Open Skies Consultative Commission for approval.

3 — If the request for observation flights over the territory of any given State Party exceed its passive quota, then the distribution shall be established by general agreement among the interested States Parties, and presented to the Open Skies Consultative Commission for approval.

Section m Extraordinary observation flights

1 — The Open Skies Consultative Commission shall consider requests from the bodies of the Conference on Security and Co-Operation in Europe authorized to deal with respect to conflict prevention and crisis management and from other relevant international organizations to facilitate the organization and conduct of extraordinary observation flights over the territory of a State Party with its consent

2 — The data resulting from such observation flights shall be made available to the bodies and organizations concerned.

3 — Notwithstanding any other provision of the Treaty, States Parties may agree on a bilateral and voluntary basis to conduct observation flights over the territory of eacVi otaei following the procedures regarding the conduct of observation flights. Unless otherwise agreed by the States Parties concerned, the data resulting from such observation. flights shall be made available to the Open Skies Consultative Commission.

4 — Observation flights conducted under the provisions of this section shall not be counted against the aftm to passive quotas of the States Parties involved.