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c) Inviolability for all their official papers related to the exercise of their functions within the scope of the official activities of INMARSAT;

d) Exemption, together with members of their families forming part of their respective households, from immigration restrictions and alien registration;

e) The same treatment in the matter of currency and exchange control as is accorded to staff members of intergovernmental organizations;

f) Together with members of their families forming part of their respective households, the same facilities as to repatriation in time of international crisis as are accorded to staff members of intergovernmental organizations;

g) -The right to import free of duty their furniture and personal effects, including a motor vehicle, at the time of first taking up their post in the State concerned, and the right to export them free of duty on termination of their functions in that State, in both cases in accordance with the laws and regulations of the State concerned. However, except in accordance with such laws and regulations, goods which have been exempted under this sub-paragraph shall not be transferred, hired out or lent, permanently or temporarily, or sold.

2 — Salaries and emoluments paid by INMARSAT to staff members shall be exempt from income tax from the date upon which such staff members have begun to be liable for a tax imposed on their salaries by INMARSAT for the latter's benefit Parties to the Protocol may take these salaries and emoluments into account for the puropose of assessing the amount of taxes to be applied to income from other sources. Parties to the Protocol are not required to grant exemption from income tax in respect of pensions and annuities paid to former staff members.

3 — Provided that staff members are covered by an INMARSAT social security scheme, INMARST and its staff members shall be exempt from all compulsory contributions to national social security schemes. This exemption does not preclude any voluntary participation in a national social security scheme in accordance with the law of the Party to the Protocol concerned; neither does it oblige a Party to the Protocol to make payments of benefits under social security schemes to staff members who are exempt under the provisions of this paragraph.

4 — The Parties to the Protocol shall not be obliged to accord to their nationals or permanent residents the privileges and immunities referred to in sub-paragraphs b), d), e), f) and g) of paragraph 1.

Article 8

Director General

1 — In addition to the privileges and immunities provided for staff members under article 7, the Director General shall enjoy:

a) Immunity from arrest and detention;

b) Immunity from civil and administrative jurisdiction and execution enjoyed by diplomatic agents, except in the case of damage caused by a motor vehicle or other means of transport belonging to or driven by him;

c) Full immunity from criminal jurisdiction, except in the case of a traffic offence caused by a motor

vehicle or other means of transport belonging to, or driven by him, subject to sub-paragraph a) above.

2— The Parties to the Protocol shall not be obliged to accord to their nationals or permanent residents the immuniues referred to in this article.

Article 9 Representatives of Parties

1 — Representatives of the Parties to the Protocol and representatives of the Headquarters Party shall enjoy, while exercising their official functions and in the course of their journeys to and from their place of meeting, the following privileges and immunities:

a) Immunity from any form of arrest or detention pending trial;

b) Immunity from jurisdiction, even after the termination of their mission, in respect of acts, including words spoken or written, done by them in the exercise of their official functions; however, there shall be no immunity in the case of a traffic offence committed by a representative, or in the case of damage caused by a motor vehicle or other means of transport belonging to or driven by him;

c) Inviolability for all their official papers;

d) Exemption, together with members of their families forming part of their respective households, from immigration restrictions and alien registration;

e) The same treatment in the matter of currency and exchange control as is accorded to representatives of foreign governments on temporary official missions;

f) The same treatment in the matter of customs as regards their personal luggage as is accorded to representatives of foreign governments on temporary official missions.

2 — The provisions of paragraph 1 shall not apply in relations between a Party to the Protocol and its representatives. Further, the provisions of paragraphs a), d), e) and f) of paragraph 1 shall not apply in relations between a Party to the Protocol and its national or permanent residents.

Article 10

Representative of Signatories

1 — Representatives of Signatories and representatives of the Signatory of the Headquarters Party shall, while exercising their official functions in relation to the work of INMARSAT and in the course of their journeys to and from their place of meeting, enjoy, the following privileges and immunities:

a) Immunity from jurisdiction, even after the termination of their mission, in respect of acts, including words spoken or written, done by them in the exercise of their official functions; however, there shall be no immunity in the case of a traffic offence committed by a representative, or in the case of damage caused by a motor vehicle or other means of transport belonging to or driven by him;

b) Inviolability for all their official papers;