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18 DE ABRIL DE 1996



Sector — all energy sectors.

Level of government — national.

Description — the law on restricting monopoly activities has been adotped in Uzbekistan and has been in force since July 1992. However, the law [as is specified in article 1, paragraph 3] does not extend to the activities of the enterprises in the energy sector.

Phase-out — 1 July 2001.

Article 7, 4)

«In the event that Transit of Energy Materials and Products cannot be achieved on commercial terms by means of energy transport facilities the Contracting Parties shall not place obstacles in the way of new capacity being established, except as may be otherwise provided in aplicable legislation which is consistent with paragraph 1).»


Sector — all energy sectors.

Level of government — national.

Description — it is necessary to adopt a set of laws on energy, including licensing procedures regulating transit, during a transition period it is envisaged to build and modernize power transmission lines, as well as generating capacities with the aim of bringing their technical level to the world requirements and adjusting to conditions of a market economy.

Phase-out — 31 December 1999.


Sector — all energy sectors.

Level of government — national. .Description — laws on energy, land and other subjects are being worked out at present, and until their final adoption, uncertainty remains as to the conditions for establishing new transport capacities for energy carriers in the territory of Belarus. .

Phase-out —31 December 1998.


Sector — all energy sectors.

Level of government — national.

Description —; Bulgaria has no laws regulating transit of energy materials and products. An overall restructuring is ongoing in the energy sector, including development of institutional framework, legislation and regulation.

Phase-out — the transitional period of 7 years is necessary to bring the legislation concerning the transit of energy materials and products in full compliance with this provision.

1 July 2001.


Sector — all energy sectors.

Level of government — national.

Description — It is necessary to prepare a set of laws on the matter. At present there are substantially different conditions for the transport and transit of various energy sources in Georgia (electric power, natural gas, oil products, coal).

Phase-out—1 January 1999.


Sector — electricity industry.

Level of government — national.

Description — according to the current legislation establishment and operation of high-voltage transmission lines is a state monopoly.

The creation of the new legal and regulatory framework for establishment, operation and ownership of high-voltage

transmission lines is under preparation.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has already taken the initiative to put forward a new act on electricity power, that will have its impact also on the Civil Code and the act on concession. Compliance can be achieved after entering in force of the new law on electricity and related regulatory decrees.

Phase-out — 31 December 1996.


Sector — all energy sectors.

Level of government — national.

Description — Polish law on energy, being in the final stage of coordination, stipulates for creating new legal regulations similar to those applied by free market countries (licenses to generate, transmit, dsitribute and trade in energy carriers). Until it is adopted by the Parliament a temporary suspension of obligation under this paragraph is required.

Phase-out — 31 December 1995.

Article 9, 1)

«The Contracting Parties acknowledge the importance of open capital markets in encouraging the flow of capital to finance trade in energy materials and products and for the making of and assiting with regard to investments in economic activity in the energy sector in the areas of other Contracting Parties, particularly those with economies in transition. Each Contracting party shall accordingly endeavour to promote conditions for acess to its capital market by companies and nationals of other Contracting Parties, for the purpose of financing trade in energy materials and products and for the purpose of investment in economic activity in the energy sector in the areas of those other Contracting Parties, on a basis no less favourable that than which it accords in like circumstances to its own companies and nationals or companies and nationals of any other Contracting Party or any third state, whichever is the most favourable.))


Sector — all energy sectors. Level of government — national. Description — relevant legislation is at the stage of elaboration.

Phase-out — 1 January 2000.


Sector — all energy sectors. Level of government — national. Description — relevant legislation is at the stage of elaboration.

Phase-out — I January 2000.