18 DE ABRIL DE 1996
a) Where a Contracting Party has failed within a reasonable period of time to comply with a ruling or recommendation of a final panel report that has been adopted by the Charter Conference, a Contracting Party to the dispute injured by such non-compliance may deliver to the non-complying Contracting Party a written request that the non-complying Contracting Party enter into negotiations with a view to agreeing upon mutually acceptable compensation. If so requested the non-complying Contracting Party shall promptly enter into such negotiations.
b) If the non-complying Contracting Party refuses to negotiate, or if the Contracting Parties have not reached agreement within 30 days after delivery of the request for negotiations, the injured Contracting Party may make a written request for authorization of the Charter Conference to suspend obligations owed by it to the non-complying Contracting Party under article 5 or 29.
c) The Charter Conference may authorize the injure Contracting Party to suspend such of its obligations to the non-complying Contracting Party, under provisions of article 5 or 29 or under provisions of the GATT or related instruments that apply under article 29, as the injured Contracting Party considers equivalent in the circumstances.
d) The suspension of obligations shall be temporary and shall be applied only until such time as the measure found to be inconsistent with article 5 or 29 has been removed, or until a mutually satisfactory solution is reached.
6) :
a) Before suspending such obligations the injured Contracting Party shall inform the non-complying Contracting Party of the nature and level of its proposed suspension. If the non-complying Contracting Party delivers to the Secretary-General a written objection to the level of suspension of obligations proposed by the injured Contracting Party, the objection shall be referred to arbitration as provided below. The proposed suspension of obligations shall be stayed until the arbitration has been completed and the determination of the arbitral panel has become final and binding in accordance with subparagraph e).
b) The Secretary-General shall establish an arbitral panel in accordance with subparagraphs 2), d) to f), which if practicable shall be the same panel which made the ruling or recommendation referred to in subparagraph 4), d), to examine the level of obligations that the injured Contracting Party proposes to suspend. Unless the Charter Conference decides otherwise the rules of procedure for panel proceedings shall be adopted in accordance with subparagraph 3), a).
c) The arbitral panel shall determine whether the level of obligations proposed to be suspended by the injured Contracting Party is excessive in relation to the injury it experienced, and if so, to what extent. It shall not review the nature of the obligations suspended, except insofar as this is inseparable from the determination of the level of suspended obligations.
d) The arbitral panel shall deliver its written determination to the injured and the non-complying Contracting Parties and to the Secretariat within 60 days of the establishment of the panel or within such other period as may be agreed by the injured and the non-complying Contracting Parties. .The Secretariat shall present the determination to the Charter Conference at the earliest practicable opportunity, and no later than the meeting of
the Charter Conference following receipt of the determination.
e) The determination of the arbitral panel shall become final and binding 30 days after the date of its presentation to the Charter Conference, and any level of suspension of benefits allowed thereby may thereupon be put into effect
by the injured Contracting.Party in such manner as that Contracting Party considers equivalent in the circumstances, unless prior to the expiration of the 30 days period the Charter Conference decides otherwise.
f) In suspending any obligations to a non-complying Contracting Party, an injured Contracting Party shall make every effort not to affect adversely the trade of any other Contracting Party.
7) Each Contracting Party may designate two individuals who shall, in the case of Contracting Parties which are also party to the GATT, if they are willing and able to serve as panellists under this annex, be panellists currently nominated for the purpose of GATT dispute panels. The Secretary-General may also designate, with the approval of the Charter Conference, not more than ten individuals, who are willing and able to serve as panellists for purposes of dispute resolution in accordance with paragraphs 2) to 4). The Charter Conference may in addition decide to designate for the same purposes up to 20 individuals, who serve on dispute settlement rosters of other international bodies, who are willing and able to serve as panellists. The names of all of the individuals so designated shall constitute the dispute settlement roster. Individuals shall be designated strictly on the basis of objectivity, reliability and sound judgement and, to the greatest extent possible; shall have expertise in international trade and energy matters, in particular as relates to provisions applicable under article 29. In fulfilling any function under this annex, designees shall not be affiliated with or take instructions from any Contracting Party. Designees shall serve for renewable terms of five years and until their successors have been designated. A designee whose term expires shall continue to fulfil any function for which that individual has been chosen under this annex. In the case of death, resignation or incapacity of a designee, the Contracting Party or the Secretary-General, whichever designated said designee, shall have the right to designate another individual to serve for the remainder of that designee's term, the designation by the Secretary-General being subject to approval of the Charter Conference.
8) Notwithstanding the provisions contained in this annex, Contracting Parties are encouraged to consult throughout the dispute resolution proceeding with a view to settling their dispute.
9) The Charter Conference may appoint or designate other bodies or fora to perform any of the functions delegated in this annex to the Secretariat and the Secretary--General.
12 — ANNEX B
[in accordance with article 37, 3)]
1) Contributions payable by Contracting Parties shall be determined by the Secretariat annually on the basis of their percentage contributions required under the latest available United Nations regular budget scale of assessment