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24 — Entry into force; 25.1 —National legislation;

26 — Review;

27 — Amendments;

28 — Withdrawal;

29 — Secretariat;

30 — Deposit;


Annex II — Technical Committee on Customs Valuation;

Annex HI — Ad hoc panels;

Protocol to the Agreement on Implementation of article vn (except 1.7 and 1.8; with necessary conforming introductory language);

v) Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures:

1.4 — General provisions (last sentence); 2.2 — Automatic import licensing (footnote 2);

4 — Institutions, consultation and dispute


5 — Final provisions (except paragraph 2);

vi) Agreement on Implementation of article vi (Antidumping Code):

13 — Developing Countries;

14 — Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices;

15—Consultation, Conciliation and Dispute Settlement;

16 — Final Provisions (except paragraphs 1 and 3);

vu) Arrangement Regarding Bovine Meat; viif) International Dairy Arrangement;

ix) Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft;

x) Declaration on Trade Measures Taken for Balance-of-Payments Purposes;

c) All other provisions in the GATT or related instruments which relate to:

i) Governmental assistance to economic development and the treatment of developing countries, except for paragraphs 1) to 4) of the Decision of 28 November 1979 (U 4903) on Differential and more Favourable Treatment, Reciprocity and Fuller Participation of Developing Countries;

if) The establishment or operation of specialist committees and other subsidiary institutions;

Hi) Signature, accession, entry into force, withdrawal, deposit and registration.

d) All agreements, arrangements, decisions, understandings or other joint action pursuant to the provisions listed in subparagraphs a) to c).

2) Contracting Parties shall apply the provisions of the Declaration on Trade Measures Taken for Balance-of-Payments Purposes to measures taken by those Contracting Parties which are not parties to the GATT, to the extent

practicable in the context of the other provisions of this Treaty.

3) With respect to notifications required by the provisions made applicable by article 29, 2), a):

a) Contracting Parties which are not parties to the 1 GATT or a related instrument shall make their notifications to the Secretariat. The Secretariat shall circulate copies of the notifications to all Contracting Parties. Notifications to the Secretariat shall be in one of the authentic languages of this Treaty. The accompanying documents may be solely in the language of the Contracting Party;

b) Such requirements shall not apply to Contracting Parties to this Treaty which are also parties to the GATT and related instruments, which contain their own notification requirements.

4) Trade in nuclear materials may be governed by agreements referred to in the declarations related to this paragraph contained in the Final Act of the European Energy Charter Conference. \



[in accordance with article 29, 2), b)]

1) Any agreement referred to in article 29, 2), b), shall be notified in writing to the Secretariat by or on behalf of all of the parties to such agreement which sign or accede to this Treaty:

a) In respect of an agreement in force as of a date three months after the date on which the first of such parties signs or deposits its instrument of accession to the Treaty, no later than six months after such date of signature or deposit; and

b) In respect of an agreement which enters into force on a date subsequent to the date referred .to in subparagraph a), sufficiently in advance of its entry into force for other states or regional economic integration organizations which have signed or acceded to the Treaty (hereinafter referred to as the «interested Parties») to haNe a reasonable opportunity to review the agreement and make representations concerning it to the parties thereto and to the Charter Conference prior to such entry into force.

2) The notification shall include:

a) Copies of the original texts of tine agreement in all languages in which it has been signed;

b) A description, by reference to the items included in annex EM, of the specific energy materials and products to which it applies;

c) An explanation, separately for each relevant provision of the GATT and related instruments made applicable by article 29, 2), a), of the. circumstances which make it impossible or impracticable for the parties to the agreement to

• conform fully with that provision;