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18 DE ABRIL DE 1996


6) On written request of the responsible Party, delivered to the injured Party and to the President of the tribunal that rendered the award, the tribunal shall determine whether the level of obligations suspended by the injured Party is excessive, anf if so, to what extent. If the tribunal cannot be reconstituted, such determination shall be made by one or more arbitrators appointed by the Secretary-General. Determinations pursuant to this paragraph shall

be completed within 60 days of the request to the tribunal

or the appointment by the Secretary-General. Obligations shall not be suspended pending the determination, which shall be final and binding.

7) In suspending any obligations to a responsible Party, an injured Party shall make every effort not to affect adversely the rights under the Treaty of any other Contracting Party.

9 — annex g


[in accordance with article 29, 2), a)]

1) The following provisions of GATT 1947 and related instruments shall not be applicable under article 29, 2), a):

a) General Agreement on Tarifs and Trade:

LI — Schedules of concessions (and the schedules to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade);

IV — Special provisions relating to cinematographic films;

XV — Exchange arrangements;

XVLTJ — Governmental assistance to economic development;

XXJJ — Consultation;

XXm — Nullification or impairment; r

XXV — Joint action by the Contracting Parties;

XXVI — Acceptance. Entry into force and registration;

XXVLI — Withholding or withdrawal of concessions;

XXVIJJ — Modification of schedules; XXVUIbis — Tariff negotiations; XXLX — The relation of this Agreement to the Havana Charter;

XXX — Amendments;

XXXI —Withdrawal; XXLI — Contracting Parties; XXXTH — Accession;

XXXV — Non-application of the Agreement between particular Contracting Parties;

XXXVI — Principles and objectives; XXX VII — Commitments; XXXVUJ — Joint action; • Annex H — Relating to article xxvi; Annex I — Notes and supplementary provisions (related to above GATT articles);

Safeguard action for development purposes; Understanding regarding notification, consultation, dispute settlement and surveillance.

a) Related instruments:

i) Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (Standards Code):

Preamble (paragraphs 1, 8, 9);

1.3 — General provisions;

2.6.4 — Preparation, adoption and application of technical regulations and standards by central government bodies;

10.6 — Information about technical regulations, standards and certification systems;

11 —Technical assistance to other Parties;

12 — Special and differential treatment of developing countries;

13 — The Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade;

14 — Consultation and dispute settlement;

15 — Final provisions (other than 15.5 and 15.13);

Annex 2 — Technical expert groups; Annex 3 — Panels;

if) Agreement on Government Procurement; m) Agreement on Interpretation and Application of articles vi, xvi and xxin (Subsidies and Countervailing Measures):

10 — Export subsidies on certain primary products;

12 — Consultations;

13 — Conciliation, dispute settlement and authorized counter measures;

14 — Developing countries;

16 — Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures;

17 — Conciliation;

18 — Dispute settlement;

19.2 — Acceptance and accession;

19.4 — Entry into force;

19.5 (a) — National legislation;

19.6 — Review;

19.7 — Amendments;

19.8 —Withdrawal;

19.9 — Non-application of this Agreement between particular signatories;

19.11 — Secretariat;

19.12 —Deposit;

19.13 — Registration;

iv) Agreement on Implementation of article vn (Customs Valuation):

1.2, b), iv) — Transaction value; 11.1 — Determination of customs value; 14 — Application of annexes (second sentence);

18 — Institutions (Committee on Customs Valuation);

19 — Consultation;

20 — Dispute settlement;

21 —Special and differential treatment of developing countries;

22 — Acceptance and accession;