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c) Impossibility of holder to take office beyond the sixty-day term, unless the Directive Council decides otherwise;

d) Dismissal of holder, as normatively approved by the Directive Council, in accordance with •these Regulations;

e) Definitive physical or mental disability in the opinion of the specialists designated by the Directive Council and which shall last for more than six months;

f) The person designated has not taken office within the period established for each case, with

the exception of acts of God or force majeure;

g) Termination of the contract because of evident non-fulfilment of the same and within the framework of the labor legislation of the country where the headquarters of CLAD is located, or that applicable to the officials of international organizations.

Article 50

Temporary absences exceeding sixty days per fiscal year shall be considered exceptional, except in case of absence for maternity or extended illness duly certified. In any case, temporary absences lasting longer than the indicated term must be authorized by the president at the proposal of the secretary-general and the Directive Council shall be informed accordingly.

CHAPTER XVIII Of the publications

Article 51

Publications of CLAD shall be considered to be those produced directly in the Centre, making use of its own financial and human resources.

Sole paragraph. The participation of national or international organizations in the preparation of works to be published by CLAD shall be considered as a contribution in kind and in service, and as a governmental effort in support of the programs of the same.

Article 52

Those publications using material prepared by other institutions or persons under contract with the Centre, financed directly with the resources of same, or originating from international, bilateral or institutional cooperation to finance contracts shall also be considered as publications of CLAD. Therefore, the material produced by said institutions or persons is the property of CLAD.

Article 53

The copyrights of the works mentioned in articles 51 and 52 hereunder shall be the property of the Centre, which shall be the only legal entity entitled to authorize partial or total reproduction of the material.

Sole paragraph. The copyrights of materials acquired from other persons by purchase or assignment, even though the material was produced without the direct or indirect financial support from the Centre, shall also be the property of CLAD.

Article 54

The Centre may finance the costs for publication of works produced by persons or institutions not related to the Centre, when their contents are of interest for the member governments. In such case, the Centre shall not be the owner of said material and the editors or authors shall be free to make new publications or reedit the same.-

Article 55

Any contract or agreement entered into with third persons or institutions shall be strictly based on the above regulations.

CHAPTER XIX Of the amendments to the Bylaws

Article 56

This statute may only be amended or replaced during the meeting following the meeting wherein the amendment or replacement was proposed. The procedure begins with a general or specific proposal, made at the initiative of at least one-third of the states present at said meeting. The Board of Directors may also initiate a statutory amendment proposal, provided the following requirements are complied with:

a) The respective meeting of the Board of Directors is summoned with the express purpose of proposing a statutory amendment;

b) All representatives of the member countries have been summoned to said meeting of the Board of Directors, at least one month in advance; and

c) The proposed amendment is unanimously accepted.

Specific proposals shall be submitted to the next meeting of the Directive Council, which may in no case be held less than 60 days following the meeting that proposed the amendments; the latter shall be deemed approved if they carry at least two-thirds of the votes of the states present at the meeting.


All the cases not specifically covered by these Bylaws shall be treated by the corresponding body of the Centre as the case may be.


Os Governos do México, Peru e Venezuela, considerando:

Que vários países latino-americanos têm empreendido, nos últimos anos, esforços tendentes a reformar as suas administrações públicas,. segundo critérios rigorosos de revisão das suas estruturas e funções, a partir de modelos integrais de orientação normativa e de diagnósticos,