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109 | II Série A - Número: 068S1 | 13 de Março de 2008

Chapter I General terms Article 1 Object 1. The object of this Treaty is to establish a European Gendarmerie Force, which shall be operational, pre-organised, robust, and rapidly deployable, exclusively comprising elements of police forces with military status of the Parties, in order to perform all police tasks within the scope of crisis management operations.
2. This Treaty defines the fundamental principles in respect of the objectives, the status, the modalities of organisation and the operation of the European Gendarmerie Force, hereinafter referred to as EUROGENDFOR or EGF.
Article 2 Principles The terms of this Treaty are based on the application of principles of reciprocity and cost sharing. Article 3 Definitions For the purposes of this Treaty the expression: a. EUROGENDFOR means the multinational police force with military status composed of: i) the Permanent HQ; ii) the EGF Forces designated by the Parties following the transfer of authority; b. PERMANENT HQ means the multinational, modular and projectable Permanent Headquarters, located in Vicenza (Italy). The role and structure of the Permanent HQ and its involvement in an operation shall be approved by CIMIN; c. PERMANENT HQ PERSONNEL means the members of a police force with military status assigned by the Parties to the Permanent HQ as well as a limited number of civilian personnel designated by the Parties, permanently supporting the functioning of the Permanent HQ in an advisory or assisting role; d. EGF FORCES means the personnel of the police forces with military status assigned by the Parties to EUROGENDFOR to fulfil a mission or an exercise, following the transfer of authority and a limited number of other personnel designated by the Parties in an advisory or supporting role; e. FORCE HQ means the multinational headquarters activated in an area of operation to support the EGF Force Commander in exercising command and control for the mission; f. EUROGENDFOR PERSONNEL means the Permanent HQ Personnel and the members of the EGF Forces; g. CIMIN means the High Level Interdepartmental Committee. It is the decisionmaking body governing EUROGENDFOR; h. EGF COMMANDER means the officer appointed by CIMIN in command of the Permanent HQ and where appropriate EGF Forces; i. EGF FORCE COMMANDER means the officer appointed by CIMIN to command an EGF mission; j. SENDING STATE means the Party that supplies EUROGENDFOR with forces and/or personnel; k. HOST STATE means the Party on whose territory the Permanent HQ is located;