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111 | II Série A - Número: 068S1 | 13 de Março de 2008

Article 6 Conditions for engagement and deployment 1. Conditions for engagement and deployment of EUROGENDFOR, decided upon by CIMIN on a case by case basis, shall be covered by a specific mandate for each operation and shall be subject to the necessary agreements between the Parties and the requesting organisation. 2. To prepare the missions assigned to EUROGENDFOR, the Parties may, under the direction of CIMIN, station and deploy their own forces and personnel on the territory of the other Parties.
3. Stationing and deployment on the territory of a third State shall be covered by an agreement between the Sending States and the third State specifying the conditions of such stationing and deployment, bearing in mind the fundamental principles of this Treaty.
Chapter III Institutional and legal aspects Article 7 CIMIN 1. CIMIN consists of representatives of the appropriate ministries of each Party. The choice of the representatives is a national responsibility. Specific details with respect to the membership, structure, organisation and functioning of CIMIN shall be defined by the rules to be adopted by CIMIN. 2. Decisions and guidelines shall be adopted unanimously by CIMIN.
3. The general tasks of CIMIN include the following: a. exercising political control over and giving strategic direction to EUROGENDFOR and assuring political-military co-ordination among the Parties and, where appropriate, with the Contributing States; b. appointing the EGF Commander and providing him or her with directives; c. approving the role and the structure of the Permanent HQ and also the rotation criteria for the key positions within the Permanent HQ; d. appointing the Chairman of the Financial Board and deciding on the criteria for rotating the chairmanship. e. monitoring the implementation of the objectives stated in this Treaty; f. approving the annual training objectives and programme proposed by the EGF Commander; g. deciding on: i) participation of EUROGENDFOR in missions; ii) participation of Contributing States in EUROGENDFOR missions; iii) requests for co-operation by third States, international organisations or others.
h. elaborating the framework for actions led by EUROGENDFOR or at the request of the EU, the UN, the OSCE, NATO, other international organisations or an ad hoc coalition; i. defining the framework for each mission, where appropriate in consultation with relevant international organisations, namely: i) designation of the EGF Force Commander; ii) involvement of the Permanent HQ in the chain of command.
j. approving the structure of the Force HQ; k. guiding and assessing EUROGENDFOR activities in case of deployment;