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115 | II Série A - Número: 068S1 | 13 de Março de 2008

Chapter VII Privileges and immunities Article 19 Tax and customs 1. When used for official purposes, assets, income and other property, belonging to EUROGENDFOR, are exempt from all direct taxation.
2. The purchase for a substantial amount of goods or services by EUROGENDFOR for official use is exempt from turnover tax and other forms of indirect taxes. 3. The import of goods and merchandise necessary for official use by EUROGENDFOR is exempt from custom duties and other indirect taxes.
4. EUROGENDFOR vehicles intended for official use are exempt from road registration taxes.
5. The provisions of paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 shall not apply to EGF Forces.
6. Purchases and imports of fuel and lubricants needed for official use by EUROGENDFOR are exempt from custom duties and other indirect taxes. That exemption does not apply to purchases and imports by EGF Forces on their own territory.
7. Purchased or imported goods and merchandise that are exempt or that qualify for reimbursement in accordance with the terms of this Article may only be transferred or placed at the disposal of a third party, either free of charge or for a price, in accordance with the conditions set by the Party granting the exemptions or reimbursements.
8. In any event, EUROGENDFOR is not entitled to any exemption from taxes and duties that constitute payment for public utility services.
9. No exemption from duties or taxes, of whatever kind, may be granted for the procurement of military materials and equipment.
Article 20 Individual privileges 1. EUROGENDFOR Personnel mentioned in Article 3 paragraph c, who are not permanently resident in or nationals of the Host State, at the time of their first arrival to take up service in such State, may - within one year from the time of their first arrival and for two shipments maximum - import from the State of last residence or the State of citizenship their personal belongings and furniture, including one motor vehicle, free of customs duties and other indirect taxes, or buy free of turnover tax such items for a substantial amount in the Host State. 2. The provisions of paragraph 1 shall only apply if a member of the personnel is assigned for a minimum of one year.
3. For the provisions of this Article to apply, the member of the personnel concerned shall make a request to the authorities of the Host State within a year after his or her first arrival.
4. Goods which have been imported duty free referred to in paragraph 1 may be reexported freely.
5. Motor vehicles referred to in paragraph 1 and those registered in another EU Member State, with the limit of one vehicle for each member of the above-mentioned personnel, are exempt from road registration taxes, for the term of service of such personnel in the Host State.