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9 | II Série A - Número: 010S1 | 9 de Outubro de 2008

CONVENTION FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE (ECO) The Hague on 23rd June 1993 as amended at Copenhagen on 9th April 2002 The States Parties to this Convention, hereinafter referred to as the "Contracting Parties"; determined to establish a permanent non-profit-making institution to assist the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations, hereinafter referred to as "CEPT", with its tasks to strengthen relations between its Members, to promote their co-operation and to contribute to creating a dynamic market in the field of European postal and electronic communications.
noting that this Convention constitutes the amended text of the Convention for the establishment of the European Radiocommunications Office and that the Office established by this Convention shall assume the former responsibilities and tasks of the European Radiocommunications Office (ERO) and the European Telecommunications Office (ETO); have agreed as follows:

Article 1 Establishment of the European Communications Office (1) A European Communications Office, hereinafter referred to as the "ECO", is hereby established.
(2) The Headquarters of the ECO shall be in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Article 2 Purpose of the ECO The ECO shall be a centre of expertise in postal and electronic communications to assist and advise the CEPT Presidency and the CEPT Committees.

Article 3 Functions of the ECO (1) The primary functions of the ECO shall be 1 to provide a centre of expertise which shall act as a focal point, identifying problem areas and new possibilities in the postal and electronic communications field and to advise the CEPT Presidency and the CEPT Committees accordingly;