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13 | II Série A - Número: 010S1 | 9 de Outubro de 2008

(3) A set of Staff Rules shall be established by the Council.

Article 10 Work Programme A work programme for the ECO covering a three-year period shall each year be established by the Council on the basis of proposals from the CEPT Assembly and the CEPT Committees. The first year of this programme shall contain sufficient detail to enable the annual budget of the ECO to be established. Article 11 Budgeting and Accounting (1) The financial year of the ECO shall run from the 1st of January to the 31st of December following.
(2) The Director shall be responsible for preparing the annual budget and annual accounts for the ECO and submitting them for consideration and approval as appropriate by the Council.
(3) The budget shall be prepared taking into account the requirements of the work programme established in accordance with Article 10. The timetable for submitting and approving the budget, in advance of the year to which it applies, shall be determined by the Council.
(4) A set of detailed financial regulations shall be established by the Council. They shall, inter alia, contain provisions about the timetable for the submission and approval of the annual accounts of the ECO and provisions concerning the audit of the accounts.

Article 12 Financial Contributions (1) The capital expenditure and the current operating expenses of the ECO, excluding costs related to Council meetings, shall be borne by the Contracting Parties, who shall share the costs on the basis of the contributory units in accordance with the table in Annex A, which is an integral part of this Convention.
(2) This shall not preclude the ECO, after decision by the Council, from carrying out work for third parties, including the CEPT Presidency, on a cost-recovery basis.
(3) Costs related to Council meetings shall be borne by the inviting Contracting Party or, if there is no inviting Contracting Party, by the ECO. Travel and subsistence expenses shall be borne by the Contracting Parties represented.