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18 | II Série A - Número: 010S1 | 9 de Outubro de 2008

ANNEX B Arbitration Procedure (1) For the purposes of adjudicating upon any dispute referred to in Article 19 of this Convention, an Arbitral Tribunal shall be established in accordance with the following paragraphs. (2) Any Party to this Convention may join either party to the dispute in the arbitration. (3) The Tribunal shall consist of three members. Each party to the dispute shall nominate one arbitrator within a period of two months from the date of receipt of the request by one party to refer the dispute to arbitration. The first two arbitrators shall, within a period of six months from the nomination of the second arbitrator, nominate the third arbitrator, who shall be the Chairman of the Tribunal. If one of the two arbitrators has not been nominated within the required period he shall, at the request of either party, be nominated by the Secretary General of the Permanent Court of Arbitration. The same procedure shall apply if the Chairman of the Tribunal has not been nominated within the required period. (4) The Tribunal shall determine its seat and establish its own rules of procedure. (5) The decision of the Tribunal shall be in accordance with international law and shall be based on this Convention and general principles of law. (6) Each party shall bear the costs relating to the arbitrator for whose nomination it is responsible, as well as the costs of being represented before the Tribunal. The expenditure relating to the Chairman of the Tribunal shall be shared equally by the parties to the dispute. (7) The award of the Tribunal shall be made by a majority of its members, who may not abstain from voting. This award shall be final and binding on all parties to the dispute and no appeal shall lie against it. The parties shall comply with the award without delay. In the event of a dispute as to its meaning or scope, the Tribunal shall interpret it at the request of any party to the dispute.