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15 | II Série A - Número: 010S1 | 9 de Outubro de 2008

Article 16 Entry into Force

(1) This Convention shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the date on which the Government of Denmark has received sufficient signatures and, if required, instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval from Contracting Parties, so as to ensure that at least 80% of the maximum possible number of contributory units referred to in Annex A have been committed. (2) After entry into force of this Convention each subsequent Contracting Party shall be bound by its provisions including amendments in force as from the first day of the second month following the date on which the Government of Denmark has received that party's instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession. Article 17 Denunciation

(1) After this Convention has been in force for two years, any Contracting Party may denounce it by giving notice in writing to the Government of Denmark, who shall notify this denunciation to the Council, the Contracting Parties, the Director and the President of CEPT. (2) The denunciation shall take effect at the expiry of the next full financial year as specified in Article 11, paragraph 1, following the date of receipt of the notice of denunciation by the Government of Denmark.

Article 18 Rights and Obligations of the Contracting Parties

(1) Nothing in this Convention shall interfere with the sovereign right of each Contracting Party to regulate its own postal and electronic communications. (2) Each Contracting Party which is a Member State of the European Union will apply this Convention in accordance with its obligations under the relevant Treaties. (3) No reservation may be made to this Convention.